पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१७३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act II, Notes & Translation

 St. 29, उद्धातक़ाणितविलोलहेमघण्टः प्रालम्वद्विगुणितचामरप्रहास: नियमितवगुवगिताश्वः, शत्रूणां क्षपितमनोरथः ते अयं रथः सज्जः (अस्ति)

 उद्धात,.....घण्टः उद्धातैः कणिता: विलोलाः हेमघण्टा: यत्र तथाभूतः With the bells of gold suspended in it jingling at every jolt.

 प्रालम्ब...प्रहासः–प्रालम्बेन द्विगुणित: चामराणां प्रहासः यत्र तादृशः- In which the white splendour of the chauris is heightened by the garland of lowers suspended close by. प्रालम्ब-from लम्ब् with प्र and आ - The garland of flowers hanging from the top of the chariot or from the flag. प्रहासः-Lit., smile or laugh and as smile is white according to poetic: conversation, the word means 'whiteness'----the play of light. On the white chuaris. is fancifully described as their laugh.

 नियमित...ताश्वः-नियामितं वल्गु वृल्गितं येषां तादृशः श्वश्वाः यस्य तथाभूतः:-Drawn by horses whose graceful trotting is clicked (for the moment.)

 शत्रूणां क्षापितमनोरथः---क्षपिताः मनोरथाः येन स:-Which is accustomed stomed to blight. the hopes of the enemies. Instead of 'क्षपितशत्रुमनोरथः, we have the somewhat irregular construction, शत्रूणां क्षपितमनोरथः; this irregularity is called सापेक्षत्वं which means the obscuring of the relation between two Words by illegitimetely interposing other words between them.

 Translation -Here is your chariot ready- a chariot, the gold-bells of which oscillate and jingle at every jolt, in which the play of light on the white chauris is hightened by the garland of flowers hanging near by whose horses have their graecful trotting checked (for the movement), and which is accustomed to blast the hopes of the enemies.

 नियमितचालगताकुलाश्वः--is a Variant for नियमितवल्र्वागताश्वः and may be interpreted thus : (1) नियामतं वाल्गितं येषां तथाभूताः अत एव आकुला: अश्वाः यस्य सः:---whose horses have their trotting checked and are, therefore, restless; tor (३) नियमित वाल्क्गतेन आकुलाः अश्वाः यस्य सः-whose horses, instinct with trotting, are restrained or reined in our (3) नियमिता: (अत एव) वल्गितेन आकुलाः अश्वाः यस्य स: -whose horses, being reined in, are instinct with trotting. (2) and (३) are better than (1)