
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

३८ १४५. स नास्त्येव । १४६. विवादात् । धटे निर्विकल्पकव्यवहार एव नास्तीति चेत्-आत्मन्यपि सुषुप्तावस्तीति चेन्न ; तस्यापि १४७. अवेद्यत्वे सत्यपरोक्षव्यवहारविषयत्वं स्वप्रकाशत्वमिति चेन्न; व्याहतत्वेनासम्भवित्वात् । १४८ . कथञ्चिदव्याहतत्वेऽपि विशेषणाभावेन, उत विशेष्याभावेन, अथोभथाभावेन दृश्यत्वं निर्वक्तव्यम् । [[ निर्विकल्पकत्वे 145, [f it be urged that there is [10 imdeterminate usage at all in respect of the pot, (then), it does not exist ever1 in the case ()f the self. 146, 1f it be said that it is present in deep sleep, 10 (we reply) since the indeterminate mature of that too is under dispute. 147. If it be said that self-luminosity is “ to be an object of empirical usage as directly cognised, while not being an object of cognition ', no, since (the defini tion), being contradictory, is inapplicable . 148. Even if somehow or other it be (considered) 101-contradictory, (then to0) cognisability has to be defined through the non-existence of the qualiffcation, or through the non-existence of the gualified, (.e., sub strate) or through the 101-4xistence of both.

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