
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

त्वमिति चेत् - तर्हि वेद्यत्वं दृश्यत्वमित्युक्तं स्यात् । तथा च प्रागुक्त विकल्पदोषापात १४३. स्वव्यवहारे स्वातिरिक्तसंविदनपेक्षत्वं स्वप्रकाशत्वम् ; तद भावो दृश्यत्वमिति चेत्–तह्यत्मनोऽप्यद्वितीयध्यवहारे संविदन्तरापेक्षा सद्भावाद्वयभिचारः । १४४. निर्विकल्पकस्य व्यवहारे संविदन्तरानपेक्ष आत्मेति चेत् तर्हि घटोऽपि तथैवेत्यसिद्धिः ।

  • not being an object of cognition ', then it turns out

to be saying “ cognisability is being a7 0bject of cogni tion.' And thus there is the contingence of the defects from the analysis made earlier. 1ess 143. Non-dependence or any consciousness other than itself for empirical usage in respect of itself is self-lumi70sity ; its 10n-existence is cognisability.' [ this be said, then there is inconstancy (of the proba175) in respect of the self which is dependent on a conscious other tha12 X 11tself 17 respect of emp1710ca. 1888e as 144. If it be said that in the self there is the 10rn-dependence on any consciousness other than itself in respect of imdeterminate empirical usage, then, be ause the (probans) pot is certainly like that, there is non-establishment of the prcbams.

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