
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

१०२ वादावली ३६७. किञ्च किमयं भेदो भिन्नमेव धर्मिणं परिभते ? उता भिन्नम् ? नाद्य: ; अनन्तभेदाभ्युपगमप्रसङ्गात् । ३६८ . सन्त्वनन्तभेदा: ; किं नश्छिन्नमिति चेन्न । ३६९. तेऽनन्ताः किं क्रमेण भेदा धर्मिणं परिरभन्ते ? युगपद्वा ? ३७०. नाद्यः; क्रमेण परिभमाणानन्तभेदसम्बन्धाय धर्भि णोऽनादिनित्यतापातात् ; प्रतिक्षणमेकैकभेदसम्बन्धेऽप्यनन्तक्षणवृत्तित्वस्य दुष्परिहरत्वात् । 367. Further, does this difference pertai7 to a substrate different from it, or that which is 101-dif eिrent from it? Not the frs, because of the conti gence infinite differences. of the acceptance of 368. If it be asked, “ Let there be infinite differ ences ; what is the harm to us (the Dvaitin) ?' no (says the Advaitin). 369. Those infाite differences, do they pertain to the substrate (of difference) in sequence, or simulta 1e0usly ? 370. Not the first, because of the contingence of the substrate becoming beginningless and eternal, for the sake of relation of the infmite differences that per taim to it in seguence. For, though at every single Imoment there is the relation (only) to a single ifference, it is impossible to remedy the existence (of the substrate) for an infinity of moments;

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