
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

५८ वादावली २८६. विरुद्धाकारंप्रतीतावध्यासाङ्गीकारे तस्य कदाप्यनिवृत्ति प्रसङ्गः । २८७. केिश्व यदि जगदात्मन्यारोपितं स्यात्तदात्मनो भिन्नत्वेन न दृश्येत । यद्यत्रारोपितं तत्ततो भिन्नत्वेन न प्रतीयते । यथा शुक्तिकाया मारोपितं रजतं न शुक्तिकाया भिन्नत्वेन प्रतीयते भ्रान्तौ । दृश्यते चेद मिदानीं जगदात्मनो भिन्नत्वेन । तस्मान्न तत्रारोपितमिति । २८८. किञ्च ब्रह्मणि प्रपञ्चस्यारोपितत्वं वदन्नन्यत्र प्रपञ्चस्य सत्तामङ्गीकरोति न वा ? २८९. आद्ये, परस्य मिथ्यात्वप्रतिज्ञाहानिः । न चेत्कस्य कुत्रा रोपः । न हि शशविषाणं कचिदारोप्यते । 286. If the superimposition be admitted (evel) where there is cognition of an opposite form, there is the continger1ce of its (illusio1) being 101-rem()vable at any time (says the siddhantin). 287 . Further, if the universe be superimposed on the self, then it would not be cognised as different from the self. Where one is super-imposed on another, that (former) is not cognised as different from that (latter), just as the si]ver superimposed on the shel] is not cognised as different from the shell, in delusion And this universe is now cognised as different from the self. Hence it is not superimposed thcre01. 288. Besides, in saying that the universe is super imposed o7 Brahman, do they admit the reality of the universe elsewhere, or do they 16ot ? 289. In the first case, there is the abandomment of the premised illusorin६४ss of the latter (universe)

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