सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

wi. 8-12(i) vi. 12(ii)-17 w. 19 wi. 20-21 w. 22 wi. 23-25 wi. 6-10 wi. 8-12 | wi. 13-17 wi. 27 wi. 22 wi. 4 , 46(i) wi. 46(ii)-47 wi. 49-51 wi. 20-21 wi. 48,52-55; wii. 9-10 || wi. 10 wi. 23-26 wi. 1-4 wii. 11-16 wi. 32-38 wi. 56-60 wi. 20-35 i. 63-66(i) i. 70(ii) wi. 6(ii)-70(] i. 71 (i) i. 7] (ii)-75(i) The arrangement of the contents of the Laghu-Bhaskary0 is more systematic and logical than that of the Maha-Bhaskarya and is, at the same time, in keeping with the general practice fol lowed by the other Hindu astronomers. P0}ularity g the Loghu-Bhaskarya. In Part 1, I have shown that both the Maha-Bhaskarya and the Laghu-Bhaskar ya were Popular works, having been studied in south India up to the end of the fifteenth century A. D., the former due to its being an authoritative work on Aryabhata I's system of astronomy and the latter being an excellent text-book for beginners in astro Evidence of popularity of the Laghu-Bhaskaya is furnished by the numerous quotations from this work that are found to