सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

called Wळrur because it is presided over by Woru10. /50 (वासव) The 10:070 Dhanistha, which is presided over by Wa.5 Wiki?t (विक्षिप्ति) Celestial lati tude W:20, (विक्षेप) (Celestial latitude . Wik20-jya (विक्षेपज्या) The Rsine Iminutes of celestial latitude . Wik98}ो 50 (विक्षेपांश) The degrees Wi! (वित्) Mercury Widikku (विदिक्क) (Contrary direc - 101 7imali (विनाडिका) A unit of time, cuivalent to 24 seconds /imurdardl20 (विमर्दीर्घ) Half the duration of totality of an eclipse Wy06 (वियत्) Zero. Wal}}tika (विलिप्तिका) 72 a 7070,(विवर) Difference, interven 1g Spa0Ce [7u50ut (विवस्वत्) The Sun. Same 2S 7.5490, (विश्लेष) Difference W:500 (विश्व) Thirteen Wiguogija (विषुवज्या) The Rsine of the latitude (of a place) Wiu00ddin0 (विषुवद्दिन) The day of the cuinox . ) The cui m0ctial midday shadow Wikambha (विष्कम्भ) Diameter Wkortblb0-dalo, (विष्कम्भदल) Semi Radius diameter, radius. Wistrt (विस्तृति) Radius. Wtt0 (वृत्त) (1) A circle or its cirumference. (2) Epicycle 7८d, (वेद) Four Wadlblt (वैधृत) An astronomical phenomenon. See LBh, i.29 Watitut (वैश्व) The 10lksutrt Uttara alha, which is presided over by Visve Devalh Waiu0 (वैष्णव) The mukgthu. which is presided over by Wi$7u। An astrono Imical phenomenon. See LBः i. 29 7900०lb८du (व्यवच्छेद) Divisor in 135 terms of y90 5,