132 Mallbalhru0-6alaya (मध्याह्नच्छाया ) The midday shadow (of the gnommon) Manda (मन्द) (1) Mard06८. (2) Mard-20ridha (m07d0 epi cycle) Mardocca (मन्दोच्च) The apoge of a planet. See U८0 Mard0-5arra(मन्दोच्चकर्ण) Mard Mard0८0-2lhala (मन्दोच्चफल) Cor- rection due to a planet's Mandalisa (मन्दांश) The longj- tudes of the apoges of the planets in terms of degrees Mum? (मुनि) Seven Mga (मृग) The sign Capticorn M८dit (मेदिनी) Earth M630 (मेष) The sign Aries Matra (मैत्र) The 70lgatra Amu rādha, which is presided over by Mitra M090 (मोक्ष) The separation of the eclipsed body after an eclipse, the last contact, or the end of an eclipse 7am20 (यम) (1) Saturn. (2) Two 7amala (यमल) Two ?ata (यात) Blapsed 17ळmp५0 (याम्य) (1) The south direction which is presided over by Yama (2) The southern hemisphere ( my0 g010) Bharani, which is presided over by Yama (याम्योत्तर) The local 2agddhika (युगाधिक) Intercalary Imonths in a yuga . 17agmu0 (युग्म) Even 12ati (युति) Union, junction 70ga (योग) (1) Conjunction in longitude of two heavenly bodies. (2) Addition 170ga-tara (योगतारा).Junctio These are those prominent stars of the twenty-seven 10kऽ0tra5 which were used by th_e Hindu astronomers for the study of the conjunction of the planets, especially the 20g0-blळg0 (योगभाग) The degrees of longitudes of the junction Stat s 70jun0 (योजन) The 90 is a unit of distance. The length of a y94720 has differed at different places and at differ ent times. The wojarta of Arya bhata I and Bhaskara I is roughly eguivalent to' 7}}