INTRODUCTION vii The second verse gives the following formula for the true diameter of a planet: True diameter = mean diameter mean diameter X (slghra-karna— radius^ slghra-k&rna+ radius mean diameter X radius $ (slghra-karna + radius) The corresponding formula given by Bhaskara I in the MahH- Bhaskarlya is 1 mean diameter x radius true diameter = — • (stghra-karna x manda-karna) /radius The two formulae are fundamentally different, because the former is based on the assumption that the true distance of a planet is equal to 2 £ (Stghra-karna + radius), and the latter is based on the assumption that the distance of a planet is equal to (slghra-karna x manda-karna) /radius, The verses in question occur in MS. D, which contains the commentary of Paramesvara, but have not been commented upon by the commentator. Evidently they are quotations cited by the commentator. Discarding the additional verses of Chapters I and VII and counting that of Chapter II, the text edited by me comprises 214 verses. The size of the Laghu-Bti&skarlya is thus approxi- mately half that of the MahS-BhUskariya which contains 403^ verses. 1 Cf. MBk, vi. 2 This is in agreement with what Burgess interprets to be the meaning of SJiSi, vii. 13-14. Cf. E. Burgess, Translation of the Sury a-Siddhanta, Calcutta (1935), p. 195. The mean diameters of the planets given in xhtSurya-Siddhanta, however, do not agree with those stated in the first verse above.