पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
- P. 97, 1. 11–विदर्भविषयोपायने, ‘in the present from the country of the
- Vidarbhas'.—शिल्पिदारिके, ‘शिल्पिन्यौ च ते दारिके च शिल्पिदारिके’
- Cf Pâņini, VI, 3, 42. MS. G reads शिल्पकारके.
- P. 97, 1. 11–विदर्भविषयोपायने, ‘in the present from the country of the
- P. 98 1, 4–आआभि &c. MS. G has: आआमि सुहं वा दुख्खं वा हिअअं समथ्थोकरोदि.
- P. 98, 1. 10. –मालविका परिव्राजिका च &c. It is not correct to read this
- stage-direction thus: मालविकां परिव्राजिकां च चेत्यो दृष्ट्वा परस्परमवलोकयतः'Though we have not yet been told by the author that
- Mâlavikâ and the Parivrâjikâ knew each other, as they really
- did (cf. p. 100, 1. 18), we must still read the words as they are
- given in the present edition, on the authority of all our MSS.*
- For if the चेत्यो looked at each other to imply, that they
- recognised Mâlavikâ and Parivrâjikâ, they would rather burst into
- surprise immediately than subsequently, when the Queen calls
- Mâalavikâ by her name.
- P. 99, 1. 1–G has अभिविनीते भवत्यै for "अभियोगो भवत्योः" ; and it reads
- the following answer thus: भट्ट संगीदे अभिविणीदेम्ह.
- P. 99, 1. 1–G has अभिविनीते भवत्यै for "अभियोगो भवत्योः" ; and it reads
- P. 100, 1. 1.-पादुआपरिभाएण दूसिदं, • ’defiled by being made into shoes.'
- G reads पादुपयोगेणः
- P. 100, 1. 1.-पादुआपरिभाएण दूसिदं, • ’defiled by being made into shoes.'
- P. 100, 1. 11.-सरओओ‘voice: Lit. ’a harmony of several sounds or
- notes. G reads सरजोओ. Cf. Śâkuntala, Act V. वीणाए सलसं-
- जोओ सुणिअदि;" P. 103, 1, 5, Calc. Ed. 1860.
- P. 100, 1. 11.-सरओओ‘voice: Lit. ’a harmony of several sounds or
- P. 101, 1. 6. -अत्तहोदीए, i.e. of Mâlavikâ.
- P. 101, 1.11 वैदिशगामिनम्, ‘ going to the Vaidiśa country. Vaidiśa
- means the country in which Vidiśa was a city. See above,
- note on page 67, 1.3.
- P. 101, 1.11 वैदिशगामिनम्, ‘ going to the Vaidiśa country. Vaidiśa
- P. 101, 1. 14–स चाटव्यन्ते, 'encamped in a forest' Cf. Raghuvaḿś'a
- II.58 "वृत्तः स नौ संगतयोर्वनान्ते’ &c.and our note ad loc. MS.
- G, however, reads स चाटव्यन्तरे
- P. 101, 1. 14–स चाटव्यन्ते, 'encamped in a forest' Cf. Raghuvaḿś'a
G, however, reads —मालविकां पारिव्राजिकां च” &c.