पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
- P.70,1.7–नियोगमशून्यं कुरू, thou, go about thy business. cf note .
- on p.22,1.7.
- P.70,1.13.-देव्याः. MS| G reads “देव्या;" more correctly, perhaps,
- than our MSS.
- P.71,1,4.–इरावदोचित्तं रख्खन्तोए, who had put the girls into confinement only to please Irâvatî, and not because she herself wanted
- to punish them. For it was at the instance of Irâvatî that the
- Queen had confined them.-राआ किल मोएढित्ति &c. Vidûshaka was
- to say to Mâlavikâ, that the Queen was requested (lit. caused)
- by the King to set Mâlavikâ at liberty. And when delivering
- the message, he added that the Queen easily complied with
- the King's desire, because that she had put the girls into confinement only to please Irâvatî.-राआ किल &c. G reads, “ राआ किल
- मोचेदि मालविअंति.”
- P.71,1.10.-समुदघरए. This refers to a pleasurehouse, probably so
- called from some ponds of water being attached to it. All
- manner of names are given to pleasure-houses by the poets.
- The student will recollect the मणिहर्म्य ” of King Purûravas in the
- Vikramorvaśî .
- P.71,1.12.-संभावयामि, i. e. ‘सत्करोमि, ’ go to receive her. Cf. note
- on p. 47, 1. 13.
- P.71,1.13.—MSG inserts « परिक्रम्य “ after " एदु भवं. "
- P. 72, 1. 4.-पलिहलणीआ चन्दिआ. Vidûshaka, true to his character ,
- puns upon the word चन्द्रिका, which, while the King uses it as a
- proper noun, he takes to mean the moonlight. One of our MSS.
- (E) has the following on its margin opposite the present line :-
- विटचोरतमश्चक्रपद्माद्याश्चन्द्रशत्रवः
- P.72,1.ll -पस्सदो पिठ्ठदो देख्खीअदि, ’ whom you see at your side behind you. Bakulâvalikâ refers to a likeness of the King painted
- on the wall with his harem.
- P.70,1.7–नियोगमशून्यं कुरू, thou, go about thy business. cf note .