पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
- to the development of the Kings passion for Mâlavikâ, she
- subsequently comes to the assistance of the girl by informing
- vidûshaka of the consignment to a dark room of Mâlavikâ and
- her friend Bakulâvalikâ, and thus causing them to be liberated.
- It is on account of these her services to Mâlavikâ that the
- ascetic Kauśikì is called पोठमर्दिका.
- P. 13, 1 15. -मङ्गलालंकृता}, ‘ decorated with such dress and ormaments
- as she must wear as the wife of a living husband' Cf . Vikramorvaśî, Act III, “ सितांशुका मङ्गलमात्रभूषणा."-
- P. 13, 1. 16.-अध्यात्मविद्यया, e by the Upanishads, which abound in
- disquisitions on the nature &c. of the soul; i.e.”like stern Simplicity accompanied by Wisdom’
- P. 14, 1, 4.-धारिणोभूतधारिण्योः , ‘ of Dhâriņî the queen, and of the
- earth, the supporter of the creation'
- P. 14, 1. 15-परिच्छेत्तुम् ‘ to distinguish,' (lit. to measure)
- P. 14, 1. 19–वाग्व्यवहारेण- Cf. above, p. 12. 1. 15.
- P. 14, 1. 20–कथं वो देवो मन्यते. MS G makes these words a part
- of the preceding speech of the Parivrâjikâ, an arrangement
- which has certainly something to recommend it
- P. 15, 1. 2–अनुमन्तुमर्हति &c. 'I pray that you may not allow or cause
- me to be beaten by one who is only my equal.' Gaņadâsa means
- that, if the queen should not permit him to accept the challenge
- of Haradatta, he would be considered as inferior to his rival,
- whom he considers, at the most, his equal. मन्तुम् as read by
- MS G, gives an equally good sense. समानविद्यतः परिभवनीयं
- मन्तुं नार्हति, ‘ Your Majesty ought not to be afraid lest I should be
- defeated by my rival’.
- P. 15, 1. 8–उभयोः स्वाङ्गसौष्ठवाभिनयम् ; i.e.उभयकर्तृकम् &c, exhibited by
- the teachers themselves in their own persons.