सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
to the development of the Kings passion for Mâlavikâ, she
subsequently comes to the assistance of the girl by informing
vidûshaka of the consignment to a dark room of Mâlavikâ and
her friend Bakulâvalikâ, and thus causing them to be liberated.
It is on account of these her services to Mâlavikâ that the
ascetic Kauśikì is called पोठमर्दिका.
P. 13, 1 15. -मङ्गलालंकृता}, ‘ decorated with such dress and ormaments
as she must wear as the wife of a living husband' Cf . Vikramorvaśî, Act III, “ सितांशुका मङ्गलमात्रभूषणा."-
P. 13, 1. 16.-अध्यात्मविद्यया, e by the Upanishads, which abound in
disquisitions on the nature &c. of the soul; i.e.”like stern Simplicity accompanied by Wisdom’
P. 14, 1, 4.-धारिणोभूतधारिण्योः , ‘ of Dhâriņî the queen, and of the
earth, the supporter of the creation'
P. 14, 1. 15-परिच्छेत्तुम् ‘ to distinguish,' (lit. to measure)
P. 14, 1. 19–वाग्व्यवहारेण- Cf. above, p. 12. 1. 15.
P. 14, 1. 20–कथं वो देवो मन्यते. MS G makes these words a part
of the preceding speech of the Parivrâjikâ, an arrangement
which has certainly something to recommend it
P. 15, 1. 2–अनुमन्तुमर्हति &c. 'I pray that you may not allow or cause
me to be beaten by one who is only my equal.' Gaņadâsa means
that, if the queen should not permit him to accept the challenge
of Haradatta, he would be considered as inferior to his rival,
whom he considers, at the most, his equal. मन्तुम् as read by
MS G, gives an equally good sense. समानविद्यतः परिभवनीयं
मन्तुं नार्हति, ‘ Your Majesty ought not to be afraid lest I should be
defeated by my rival’.
P. 15, 1. 8–उभयोः स्वाङ्गसौष्ठवाभिनयम् ; i.e.उभयकर्तृकम् &c, exhibited by
the teachers themselves in their own persons.