सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

N O T E S.


P. 1, 1. 1.-एकैश्वर्यस्थितोपि. The opposition shown by अपि between this
epithet and प्रणतबहुफलः is merely verbal, the figure being an
instance of what is called शब्दविरोध. एक, opposed to बहु in
the other epithet, is used in a double sense, viz, that of f supreme' and 'one.'
P. 1, 1. 3–अष्टाभिः Cf. the introductory stanza of the Ś'akuntala.
P. 1, 1. 4. -सन्मार्गालोकनाय ‘ to see the good paths'(of morality, religion
&c.), i.e., that we may see &c.
P. 1, 1. 7.-मारिषः. By this name the Sûtradhâra usually addresses
his assistant (पारिपार्श्विकः, who in his turn uses भाव as a term of
respect in addressing his master.
P. 1, l, 10.—वसन्तोत्सवे. The Vasanta Festival comes annually on
the first day of the dark or second half of the month of Phaguna, i..on the first day of Spring, to welcome the advent of
which was the original object of the festival. This holiday, now
so much abused by the vulgar classes in the form of the holi
enormities, appears to have been more soberly enjoyed in olden
times. The observances enjoined for the Vasantotsava day are:
l, That a man shall touch a Mahâr, and shall then bathe, to
secure freedom from all sin, from sorrows and diseases. 2, That
he shall worship the hot spot, to secure the destruction of all
pain, with this mantra : वन्दितासि सुरेन्द्रेण ब्रह्मणा शंकरेण च ।
अतस्त्वं पाहि नो देवि भूते भूतिप्रदा भव । 8, That he shall eat the
blossom of the mango-tree mixed with sandal-wood, to secure
the highest happiness, with this mantra : चूतमग्रयं वसन्तस्य माकन्द