पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३९६

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

356 NOTES ON refers to the parrot (वैशम्पायन-पुण्डरीक). अत्रापि जन्मनि in this birth also (as a parrot ). निषिद्धोऽपि पित्रा (वतकेतुना)-see p. 106 ll. 4-5. काम...न्धः blind through the passion of love. वधूसमीपं refers to महाश्वेता. तथा . . पितुराशमुकद्वथ. सर्व...निवर्तते everyone proceeding bhrough immodesty (or rashness ) does not return ( to the right path) until he has cause to repentयथा...मस्य such remedies should be adopted as would cause him to repent (of his actions ). अस्य refers to the parrot. विनयाय to teach him, for the sake of discipline. इदं refers to the पक्कण and its accessories. तत्कर्म bhat religious rite ( which was to confer never-ending life on पुण्डरीक ). शापा...वर्तते it is now time that the curse should cease. शापा•••यम् I brought him near you with the idea that you should both enjoy happiness at the same time when the curse would end. अत्रापि-..हाराय the reason why I doclared myself to he a (girl) by caste was for the purpose of avoiding the contact of the people. Her meaning is: --if she, a goddess, had been born in any other जाति ( say of a ब्राह्मण or क्षत्रिय ) she would have had to mix with all sorts of people. As a चाण्डाल girl, she would be avoided by other people and thus her purpose of avoiding contact with other people would be easily effected. सममेव together, at the same timeजन्म...परित्यज्य giving up those bodies that ahound in births, old agediseases, death etc. ०सुखम्। is the object of अनुभवताम्. रणतां भूषणानाम् आरवः तेन बधिरितं अन्तरिक्ष यथा स्यात्तथा in such a way as to deafen the sky by the noise of her jingling ornaments . उत्फुलैः लोकलोचनैः उदीक्षिता looked at by the dilated (wondering ) eyes of people. क्षितेः from the earbb. P. 113 1. 16-p. 115 1. 6 अथ राज्ञः..वैशम्पायनस्य च। संस्मृतं जन्मान्तरं येन who remembered his previous birth (as वैशम्पायनः आख्या ( name ) यस्य स वै०••ख्यः . दिष्टया...सआतम् it is fortu: nate that bhe termination of the curse of us both took place at the same time. Read तुल्यकालम् for तुल्यकालक्षयम्. तुल्यः कालः यथा स्यात्तथा (अव्ययीभाव). अभिदधतः qualifies राज्ञः आकर्णकृष्टं कार्मुकं येन who drew his bow to the ear (e. e. to the fullest possible extent). मकरकेतुः = मदन. अग्रतः...कृत्वा placing कादम्बरी in front as his best (surest ) missile. प्रतिरोधकः a robber, one who waylays, an enemy. 13 Ar. ‘प्रतिरोधको नाम पथिकजनप्रहारी चोरः’ निरुद्धाः सर्वाः आशाः ( hopes; quarters ) येन who obstructed all hopes (of the continuance of his life without कादम्बरी); or + who precluded all possibility of his entertaining other longings ( other than for कादम्बरी ). ‘निरुद्धतरवाच्छः? अन्तरा in the heart. पदं चकार placed his foot, ३. e. influenced him. The whole sentence means that शुद्रक remem: