पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३९५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 355 दारिकामीदृशीम् and explains ‘ईदृशीं पूर्ववदविकृतवेषां, अतिसुन्दरीमित्यर्थः देवेनापि—this is addressed by the parrot to king शुद्रक (चन्द्रापीड- चन्द्र) to whose presence the चाण्डाल girl had been admitted to gether with the parrot. अमरपुरसदृशम् like a eity of the gods. अपगतः चाण्डालेषु वसत्या संवेगः यस्य whose uneasiness at residing among चाण्डालs was removed. कुतूहलात् out of curiosity . प्रष्टुकांमः desirous of asking. यावन्न...याता no sooner did I give up my silence tolhan she came to your Majesty's feet with me. किमर्थ ख्यापिता for what purpose she declared herself to be ॐ चण्डाल girlदेव इव like your Majesty (शूद्रक). अनपगतं कुतूहलं यस्यं whose uriosity is not removed ४. e. who is eager to know. Here ends the story which the parrot brought by a ill before kiug शुद्रक narrated to the latter. Almost all the entangled threads of the narrative due to curses and counter curses have been so far brought together and the few points in the story that need explanation will be clear in the next few pages. The king asked the parrot many questions ( see p. 19 of Peterson's ed. ) ‘अपनयतु नः कुतूहलम्, आवेदयतु भवानादितः प्रभृति कारन्थेन आत्मनो जन्म कस्मिन् देशे । का माता कस्ते पिता । कथं वेदानामागमः । कथं शास्त्राणां परिचयः...कथं पञ्जरबन्धनम् । कथं चण्डालहस्तगमनम् । इह बा कथमागमनमिति. The parrot in the course of his long story answ ered all these questions, except the last ( \, for what purpose he was brought to the king ), which would be explained by the चाण्डाल girl. P. 112 1. 21–p. 113 1. 15 रोजा तु...उदपतत् राजा=the king शुकसमुपजातं अभ्यधिकं कुतूहलं यस्य. तदाहानाय to call her (the चाण्डाल girl). तया by the doorkeeper . उपदिश्यमानः मार्गः यस्यै to whom the way was pointed out (by the doorkeeper ). ऊध्वंस्थितैव remaining standing. Or it may nmean & who remained unsup ported in the space ४. e. he, being a goddess, did not touch the ground. Compare the description of the gods who came dis guised as नल to the स्वयंवर' of दमयन्ती ‘साऽपश्यद्विबुधान्सर्वानस्वेदान् स्तब्धलो चनान् । अम्लानस्रग्रजोहीनान् स्थितानस्पृशतः क्षितिम् । वनपर्व chap, by 25. राजा-.धाम्ना who dazzled the king by her lustre. प्रागल्भ्येन boldly. रोहिणीपते Oh moon, the husband of रोहिणी. The 27 नक्षत्र अश्विनी, भरणी, कृत्तिका, रोहिणी &bc are said to be the wives of the moon, of which रोहिणी is the moon's favourite. तारारमण the husband of the नक्षत्र. कादम्बरी•••चन्द्र you who are the moon causing delight to the eyes of कादम्बरी. King आद्रक was the moon in his second birth, the first being that of चन्द्रापीडअस्य दुर्मतेः