पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३९

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. XXXV MIS. The original MSis full of lacuna in numerous places. In the second place, Arjuna passes over whole pages ithout a word of comment (e. g. he does not comment upon he description of evening on pp. 19-20 of our edition; so also pp. 24-25 ). He does not repeat every word of the text as Siddhachandra does. Moreover the remarks made by us above with reference to the usefulness of Siddhachandra's commentary to modern students apply to Arjuna's commen. tary also. In our notas we have extracted almost everything from Arjuna's commentary that we deemed might be of some use to the student The commentary on the Kadambari by an anonymous riter cane to our hands only after more than 120 pages of the notes had already been printed off. We have endeavoured to quote oxtracts from it wherever we thought that it would be useful to do so. This anonymous commentator explained botl parts of the Kadambar. A Devanagari transcript of a portion of this commentary was kindly supplied to us by MrT. Ganapati Sastriar of Trivandrum. The commentary IS very meagre. It seldom does more than paraphrase a few words of the text.* It does not try to bring out the suggested meaning of the author as Arjuna does. It is not critical and learmed like the commentary of Arjuna. It {uotes the Vaijayanti and Halayudha much more frequent ly than the lexicon of Amarasiiha. Besides these three lexicons, the author in the whole of his commentary on the Uttarabhaga mentions by name only two works . bhe Mahabharata and the Samkhyasaptati (i. e. the Samkhya karika ). There are only two more quotations from un specified worksThe author seems to have been an inhabitant of southern India. The Prvabhaga seems to have ended according to this commentary just where it ends in DrPeterson's edition. But the comment on the Uttarabhaga proper is preceded in e. g. on p. 76 of our text the only comment is एवं संभाविता एवं चिन्तिता एवमुपेक्षिता इत्यर्थःअनात्मज्ञायां मयि तव थो (?) संभावना तथाविधा प्रतिपत्तिर्मुक्तैवेत्युपालम्भः एकान्ततः (1, 3) नैरन्तर्येण वीप्सायां द्विरुक्तिः ( this refers to जन्मनि जन्मनि 1, 24. ).