KADAMBAR 345 ives ). प्रापयामि I shall take. वन्धे...प्रभवति it is she (6be girl) who has now the power to imprison you or to set you free. P. 108 1. 24-p. 109 1. 11 अहं तु•••अवदः शुष्का-.शिरसि truck on the head by a thunderbolt in summer. शुष्काशनि . a dry thunderbolt, a thunderbolt in summer ४. e. a.thunderbolt len it is not expected at all. Hence शुष्काशनि means 'sud. den calamity. संविग्नः ( extremely pained ) अन्तरात्मा यस्य विपाकः = फलम्. अहो...विपाकOhhow very terrible is the result of the actions (done in past lives ) of me who am unlucky (or sinful ). मन्दं पुण्यं यस्य मया–जातेन, ०संवर्धितेन and ०निवासिना qualify मया । born of Lakshmi whose lotus-like feet are worshipped by the crowns on the heads of gods and demons. सुराश्च असुराश्च तेष शिरःसु शेखराः (chaplets, crowns ‘शिखास्वापीडशेखरौ' इत्यमरः) तैः अभ्यर्चितं चरणसरसिजे (चरणकमलं ) यस्याः . नमस्य fit to be Baluted . म्लेच्छ..वेशम् entrance into which is avoided from a distance even by म्लेच्छ tribes. परिहृतः प्रवेशः यस्मिन्. Here the author says that were on a much lower level than even म्लेच्छ3. The अमरकोश tells us that the किरात, शबरs &&o. were म्लेच्छ tribes. ‘भेदाः किरात-शबर-पुलिन्दा म्लेच्छजातयः The word म्लेच्छ occurs even in the शतपथब्राह्मण म्लेच्छति अव्यक्तं वक्ति म्लेच्छः. The following verse from बोधायन enumerates what were considered to be the characteristics of म्लेच्छs in ancient India. ‘गोमांसवादको यश्च विरुद्धे बहु भाषते । सर्वाचारविहीनश्च म्लेच्छ इत्यभिधीयते ।. मनुस्मृति X. 51-56 des cribes चण्डालs, their homes, dress &c. जरन्मा...पोषणीयः I shall have to nourish myself on mouthfuls (कवलः) presented by the hands of old चण्डाल women. Ar . remarks ‘जरन्मातङ्गाङ्गनाशब्देन च कामुकत्वः ग्रासतु कवलः पुमान्’ इत्यमरः क्रीडनीयं a toyplaything. धिग्जन्म...ते (i.) fie upon your acquisition of a birth i. e. your life is quite contemptible. धिक् generally governs a noun in the accusative; but sometimes in the nominative and vocative. refers to ते=तव परिणामः = विपाकः fruit or result, प्रथमगर्भ एव in (your ) first birth (i.e. as पुण्डरीक. Ar. comments ‘जन्मत्रयसंभवात् प्रथमगर्भशब्देन पुण्डरीकाख्यः सहस्रधा शीर्णः Bhattered into a thousand pieces. अशरण..पङ्कजे whose lotus-like feet are a shelter to those people who are without protection. अशरणाः (अविद्यमानं शरणं येषां ते ) जनाः तेपां शरणं (रक्षितुं) चरणपङ्कजं (चरकमलं यस्याः शरणं गृहरक्षित्रोः' इत्यमरः. अति..पातात् 8ave me from this great fall into a hell, that is very deep and terrible. तात-addressed to वेतकेतु. ०त्राणक्षम able to protect &o. the single thread of your family. He means:-I am your only child to perpetuate or continueyour family. परापत्य after arriving here. अभ्यर्थः
पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३८५