पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/२२२

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

182 NOTES ON गोणस्थलेति ङी, कृत्रिमा तु स्थला' क्षीरस्वामी. आलोक्य..ग्रामेषु when the villages appeared as if they were in labour, as the foot-prints (of persons ) going out (of the village ) were being seen. जनपदविनिर्गमः येषु- In labour, bhe feet of the child come out of the mother's womb. N. Oxplains ‘पदविनिर्गमसाम्यादुत्प्रेक्षते. वपि प्रथमे ” पदविनिर्गम एव भवतीति भावः N. seems to be wrong. In normal labour, the head of the child comes out first in most cases. यथाक..भागे when the East seomed as if being raised up as the rays of the sun made their appearance. Compare abore ‘उन्नमयद्भिरिव मेदिनीम्' p. 29. 1. 20. ( of text ). अर्ककिरणानामवलोकस्य उद्ममनतिक्रम्य (अव्ययीभाव). समुत्सार्य..सीमासु when the quarters appear ed as if they were stretched far (on account of the rays of tho sun), when the forests seemed to recede, when the confines of the villages seemed to be expanding, when lakes seemed to become ]arger in extentIn the night even a few trees looked like forest. In the clear light of day, the big proportions of the forest dwindled down. In the clear light of day the expanse of villages and lakes were clearly noticed. अवच्छिद्य.कुमुदिनीपु when mountains were distinguished (one from the other), when the earth appeared as if being raised up, when the night lotuses ( plants ) seemed to be invisible. In the night, each mountain peak is not clearly defind in size &c. to the eye. तिरोधान..सप्तवाहे when the sun, the eye of the seven worldsrose on op o] bhe rising mountain as if to see the (day ) lotus plant helpless (विधुरा) through separation (in tho night from the sun), having with his करड ( rays, hands) removed the line of darkness as if it 3-31( darkness ) were a blue veil (तिरस्करिणी ) that screened (कमलिनी from him ). तिरोधानं (concealment) करोतीति ०कारिणी ताम्. The सप्तलोकॐ areभूः, भुवः स्वः, महः, जन, तपः, सत्यम्. सप्त वाहाः (अश्व) यस्य. Seven horses are said to be yoked to the sun's chariot. One of the names of the sun is सप्ताश्च‘भास्वद्विवस्वरसप्ताश्वहरिदधोष्ण- रश्मय' इत्यमरः विहा यस्तलं = नभस्तलं the skyउद्भस्य having illu mined. दिवस.दीधितिषु = सूर्यकिरणेषु दृष्टि..वेलायां at a time when the eye was able to . discern (objects). दृष्टेः प्रसरः ( unimpeded motion, operation ) तस्मिन् क्षमा (it, able ). अग्रतः in front (of च). अर्चगव्यूतिमात्रे इव as if only at the distance of half a two miles. गव्यूतिedistance of two कोश गव्यूतिः स्त्री क्रोशयुगम् इत्यमर. The word is derived from गो+यूति, according to the वार्तिक (on पा० VI. 1, 79. ‘वान्तो यि प्रत्यये) गोर्चेतौ छन्दस्युपसंख्यानम्' and 'अध्वपरि माणे च'. त्रिप्रयाणकायात (that had come by a night march)—thi and bhe following accusatives up to निविशमानं (p. 33. 1, 8) qualif;