पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१९७

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 15 प्रायेण...मर्थः probably the princess also must experience these feelings ( or thoughts ). यथा चास्य.स्थास्यतीति as I see that wretched (destiny) has begun to act perversely, (destiny) that is solely bent upon causing pain, that is clewer in bring ing about strange (दुर्घट difficult to bring about ) combinations, that does any thoughtless act, that is provoked without a cause, I think tlhat it (destiny) will not stop with this much (that has happenedbut will produce far more evil. तस्य (अमा तध्वनेः) जिज्ञासा तया आगतस्य. तरलिका was bhe friend of महाश्वेता who ended upon her. तव refers to केयूरकः तवाभि...प्रस्ताव your coming introduced ( paved the way for ) my going ( to see H०). When केयूरक told message of to about the formers the का० महाश्वेता not marrying as long as महा० was in grief, महाश्वेता wanted to go to ० to dissuade her from her resolve and asked च० to accom pany her ८० हेमकूट. Separate अलङ्घनीया आगमनाश. Connect पितुः with आशा. तत्सुदूरमारोप्य...वेधसा Accursed fate having first raised ne very high (b. ७. having produced high hopes in me) has again thrown me down, fate that does what is improper and that is prompt in performing the task (नियोग ) appointed by the force of my actions (accnmulated in former lives ). अस्माकं कर्मणां बलात् यः नियोगः तस्मिन् दक्षीण. He is afraid that before he reaches का०, she may die by the torment of love. संभावयितुं to honour, to serve. P. 19 1. 21-p. 20 1. 18. इत्यभदधत्येव•••मुखमिति अपरम् besides, in addition. तिग्मदीधितिः whose rays are sharp (the sun). तिग्म...करसहस्रम् the sun withdrew ( set ) his thousand rays the justre of which was as yellowish as the sparks of heated and (therefore) molten gold and that (करसहस्र ) 1resembled the matted bair of शिव spread in all directions ( at the time of his ताण्डव dance ). उत्तप्तं कनकं तस्य द्वः तस्य स्फुलिङ्गवत् पिङ्गला धृतिः यस्य दिक्षु विकीर्णं धूर्जटिजटामण्डलं तदनुकरोतीति. अस्तानु..ससार as the sun started to set, the sunlight also withdrew drawing with it the patches (छेदाः) of reddish light that lingered on the top of trees accord. ing to their respective heights. क्रमेणैव..पटले gradually when the evening spread over (चन्द्रा० ) its circle of red as if it were a piece of cloth wet with water, out of the appearance of compossion (for चन्द्रापीड who was tormented by the heat of love ). निशा लेखायाम् when darkness was rolled about, hanging above (चन्द्रा०) like indigo, by the advent of night as if it (निशागम ) were a wellwisher (आप्त ) with bhe thought-flet no one see him (च० ) who is overpowered by vacancy of mind' Connect with भ्राम्यमाणायां कमलेष्वपि.संकुचत्सु when the daylobuscs were 14