पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१९६

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

156 NOTES ON person ( ४. e. myself). तया...उपेक्षितम्—The principal sentence is तंया मदलेखया किम् एवं...कामेन (p. 19. 1. 4.)..आयास्यमानं देवीशरीरमुपेक्षितम् why did she ( मदलेखा ) not care for the body of the princess that was being thus toymented by love. The instrumentals singular ) from ot पहारेण ( p. 18. 1. 26. ) to स्वयोनिना (p. 19. 1. 4.) qualify कामेन. अहार्यं-..हारेण against whom (काम) even sages, whose wealth of asceticism cannot be pilfered, cannot guard their hearts. अहार्यं संयम एव धनं येषाम्. अरक्षितः हृदयस्य अपहारः यस्मात् काम influences even the minds of great sages like विश्वमित्र. अनिग्राडचौ रेण who is a bhief (of hearts) that cannot be punished. शुचि. स्पगैन whose contact cannot be avoided even by those who are pure. अबहिष्कार्यचण्डालेन who is a चण्डाल (who is so relentless) that le cannot be exclded (lit, placed ontside the community). The स्पर्श of a चण्डाल is avoided by all pure persons and he is also कार्य. भस्मी ...सहत्रेण who reduces to ashes persons in endless (अपर्य वसान, ४. ८. countless) thousandsभस्मीकृतानि अपर्यवसानानि (अविद्यमानं पर्यवसानं अन्तः येषाम् ) अनन्तानि प्राणिसहस्राणि येन. अनिर्वाप्य.झिना who is a cemetery fire that can never be extinguished. काम can never be destroyed and like श्मशानाम्नि it destroys all. अशरीरव्याधिना which is a disease without a body. Diseases attack bodies. But काम is a disease that exists without any bodily substratum ७ मानसो व्याधिः. रूपापहारिणा that lessens a person's beanty (when makes one love-sick) or that draws (the minds of persons) by the beanty (of other persons). अकाण्डव्याधेन who is a hunter that shoots unexpectedly. It may also mean who hits without a iron ) dard. सद्यः-क्षमेण who is able to deprivo a person of life at once. अनिरूपित-..वर्तिना which inftences (men's mindswith but stopping to observe whether bhe object (of love) is suitable or unsuitable. परापकारकृतार्थेन who is pleased by doing lharm to others . अपरप्रत्ययेन who cannot be understood from (the experience of ) nother ६.e. whose nature and working is only (स्वसंवेद्य) known from ones own experience. न परस्मात्प्रत्ययः (शनं ) यस्य. Ar. ex plains ‘अन्यथारूपशपथेनेत्यर्थः । अत्र प्रत्ययशब्दस्य शपथ एवार्थ. १ But this does not yield a good mening. स्वयोनिना vlo springs from him . self 8. e. who (Iove ) is self born, has no producer. One of the names of काम is अनन्यंज. “शम्बरारिर्मनसिजः कुसुमेषुरनन्यजः इत्यमर तत्रस्थस्यैव when I was there (when च० had been to see का० ). दिवस...किं करोमि what shall I do when ple journey (lit. road) can be accomplished only after a series of days. मलया...शरीरम् The body of the princess cannot endure even the fall of the lower of a creeper struck by bhe Malays breeze. वङ्गसारवत् कठिनं हृदयं येषां