पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/१७९

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR . 139 is censured because he shoots- a woman, which is against all canons of warfare. दिवस is accusative of time. One who faints is brought back to consciousness by the sprinkling of water and My tanning. Here चन्द्रा० had the water of perspiration and fanned her with deep signs. तच्चेतना..रोमाञ्चम् he was not free

  • ven for a moment from horripilation over the whole body as if

he were delighted at ther regaining her consciousness. He had रोमाघ due to love. The poet represents it as due to his delight at the regaining of consciousness on J•s part. सद्यते अधाथी his mind was vacant as if he had it appointed to the task of asking the news whether her heart was able to bear the totment {of love. Being lovesick his mind was naturally vacant; it is re presented as vacant because it was sent to perform an errand.तत्प्रति अतिष्ठत् he always remained silent as if for hearing the news brought the mind sent as said in the preceding sentence). तदानना...नाद्राक्षीत् he observed no object, as if all objects were screened from his view as he saw everywhere her face. चन्द्र अरमत—it is well-known that the moon causes tornment to love sick persons. तस्याः आलापः तेन परिपूरितं श्रोत्रेन्द्रियं यस्य बहिरेवासन् hey were outside ४. e. they did not reach his heart; he did not derive any pleasure from them. असुखायन्त did not give pleasure (मुखायते denominative from सुख). भावाब..अदात् he showed himself to none, as he was wont to do, as if afraid that his thought (of love) may be discovered. भावः अभिप्रायः तस्य अवगमः तस्मात् भीतिः तया. अनवरत...अभजत although tormented in wardly by the fire of love thab sent up fames unceasingly (अनवरतं मुक्ता ज्वाला येन, he did nob resort to a bed of wet lotuses that had been plucked recently for shame that his elders (may know his love). In this and the following sentences to the end of the paragraph, the poet tells us that चन्द्रापीड did not resort to the ordinary means of allaying the fever of love, such as a bed of lotuses, sandal paste &c. for fear that his clders may detect his condition. जललव-..पत्राणि the delicate (अजरठ) leaves of lotus plants that were bespangled with the particles of water that looked like pearls. जललवाः एव मौक्तिकानि तेषां क्षोदः तेन तारकितानि. तारकित तारकाः सञ्जाताः अस्य ) literally covered with stars' ४. ४. spotted. नानवरत..धारागृहम् he did not even look at the showcr-room which rendered the sky cloudy by cool spray that yose up by the constant fall of jets. अनवरतः धारानिपातः तेन उल्लसिताः शिशिराः सीकराः नैः आबढं दुर्दिनं (‘मेघच्छन्नेऽह्नि दुर्दिनम्' इत्यमरः) येन न मकरन्द...असेवत he did not resort even to the arbonrs in the mansion-gardens,