सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

वर्ण' सितं भ्कटिति बोध्य शिरोरुहाणां
स्थानं जरापरिभवस्य तदा पुमांसम् ।
आरोपितास्थिशतकं परिहृत्य यान्ति
चण्डालकूपमिव ' दूरतरं तरुण्यः ॥ ७४ ॥

 74. Seeing the grey hairs on the head of a man, emblematic of discomfiture by old age, youthful women at once fly away from him, as if from a Chandala’s (the untouchable in caste) well whereon is placed a structure of bones !

 [ आरोपितास्थिशतकं—May be taken to qualify पुमांसम् or कूपम् , if it be taken to qualify the former, it would mean : this framework of bones (meaning the old man) It was a custom in former times with the Chandalas to line their well with bones for ornamentation.]

यावत्स्वस्थमिदं शरीरमरुजं यावज्जरा द्वरतो
यावच्चेन्द्रियशक्तिरप्रतिहता यावत्क्षयो नायुषः ।
आत्मश्रेयसि तावदेव विदुषा कार्यः प्रयतो महा-
न्संदीप्ते भवने तु कूपखननं प्रत्युद्यमः कीदृशः ॥ ७५ ॥

 75. As long as this body is free from disease and decrepitude, as long as senility is far off, as long as the powers of the senses are unaffected and life is not decaying. so long, wise persons should put forth mighty exertions for the sake of their supreme good, for when the house is on fire what avails setting about digging a well (for water) ?