सामग्री पर जाएँ


पृष्ठ की सामग्री दूसरी भाषाओं में उपलब्ध नहीं है।
विषयः योज्यताम्
विकिस्रोतः तः
Latest comment: ७ वर्ष पहले by Kautuk1 in topic सुझावः



किं भवान् विकिसोर्सोपरि भागवतपुराणस्य ये अध्यायाः अनास्थापिताः सन्ति, तेषां आस्थापन हेतु श्रमं कर्तुं शक्नोषि। भागवत पुराणस्य युनिकोड फाईल पूर्वमेव उपलब्धमस्ति। अहं तत् भवान् प्रेषितुं शक्नोमि। केवलं स्थापनं शेषं भवति। - विपिन कुमारः puranastudy

श्री कौतुकि महोदय, गर्ग संहितायां भवतः ये शिरोलेखाः स्थापितानि आसन्, ते पृष्ठशीर्षकेषु परिवर्तनकारणेन अशुद्धाः संजाताः स्म। यथा-

गर्ग संहिता/खण्डः ३ (गिरिराज खण्ड)/अध्यायः ०१

अस्य शुद्ध रूपम् - गर्गसंहिता/खण्डः ३ (गिरिराजखण्डः)/अध्यायः ०१

किं भवान् संशोधनकर्तुं शक्तोसि। सदस्यः : puranastudy 3-1-17

The headers put by you on pages of Garg Samhita have become incorrect due to change in page title, as below-

गर्ग संहिता/खण्डः ३ (गिरिराज खण्ड)/अध्यायः ०१

अस्य शुद्ध रूपम् - गर्गसंहिता/खण्डः ३ (गिरिराजखण्डः)/अध्यायः ०१

Can you takeup correction work?

सदस्यः :puranastudy 3-1-17

Done Kautuk1 (सम्भाषणम्) ०८:५५, ३ जनवरी २०१७ (UTC)उत्तर दें

I wish you do not change the place of Phalakam in Rigveda. There is not enough width to accomodate it at top. - सदस्यः :puranastudy 14-4-17 Your corrections in Rigveda pages have distorted symmetry of Sukatas. I wish you do not do any corrections in these, though nobody can prevent others on wikisource. - सदस्यः :puranastudy 14-4-17

If you wish, I can send the rigveda saswara suktas which have to be placed on the side of nonswara suktas. This will be big contribution to the real cause. And I will be able to devote energy somewhere else.You have to provide email address for that. - - सदस्यः :puranastudy 14-4-17 puranastudy@yahoo.com

सदस्यः :puranastudy, Namaste. I do not see any issue after I added the template. The page has not distorted. Rather it makes easy to reach other Sukta against this template. I am not sure which screen resolution you are using. I would very happy to help you in adding sukta. You can email at kautuk23@gmail.com Kautuk1 (सम्भाषणम्) ०७:३३, १६ अप्रैल २०१७ (UTC)

Namaste, Thank you for your edits in improving sa wikisource. Let me make few requests here.

  • Please see that in the main page of the book let us not fill up next page. Only in the content page will add next and previous. - ok
  • Few headings are not grammatically correct - श्रीमद्‌भागवत महापुराण/माहात्म्य (पाद्मे)/अध्यायः ०१ - re directions of these do not serve the purpose. I think it's better if we concentrate on this little later. - I got to know after I creation of few pages. Hence forth, all pages would be starting with श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण
  • Categories will be given only for the main page of the book and not for sub pages. (unlike wikipedia) - ok
  • We need more help in the work of page formatting. At present we are working on Vedantasara. Here from page no 256 formatting has to be done. Could you please do this ? - Yes. Certainly

- Kautuk1 (सम्भाषणम्) १५:१६, १७ अक्तूबर २०१६ (UTC)

-शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०९:११, १७ अक्तूबर २०१६ (UTC)



Namaste, if possible you can add header to 50 pages of सुभाषितरत्नकोशः. I have just finished rearrangement of these pages. I don't know whether you have done page formatting before - so just I am suggesting - if you want to know about different templates used, you can refer to any previous page of Vedantasara before proceeding with page 256. -शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) १२:२४, १८ अक्तूबर २०१६ (UTC)

अभिप्रायः अपेक्षितः


मया प्रबन्धिकाऽऽवेदनम् अत्र कृतमस्ति । कृपया भवतः अभिप्रायं सूचयतु इति निवेद्यते । - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) १३:५६, २४ अक्तूबर २०१६ (UTC)



Namaste, we already have Srimadbhagavata purana in sa.wikisource - श्रीमद्भागवतपुराणम्. Please do not create new pages. Inside each skanda there are red links. If you get material for that you please upload in those links and not in new pages. Regards - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ११:२०, २९ नवम्बर २०१६ (UTC)

It happned due to श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण and श्रीमद्भागवतपुराणम्. I will take care in future.... Kautuk1 (सम्भाषणम्) १०:१६, १ दिसम्बर २०१६ (UTC)

Namaste , Please see the corrections I have made in this page. If we make the hyperlink in this way, it looks better. And also please see that title and section is separately mentioned in the template. Please follow this way. Best regards - शुभा (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:१०, २२ दिसम्बर २०१६ (UTC)

Namaste शुभा, yes. making hyperlink gives a clean look on the header. Ler us do that. But Title can be PAGENAME as we need not have to type the title again... Best regards - Kautuk1 (सम्भाषणम्) ०४:१५, २२ दिसम्बर २०१६ (UTC)

Dear Kautuk, Can I know the reason for deleting the page बालकाण्ड १३ you asked for? अभिरामः ११:४४, २५ दिसम्बर २०१६ (UTC)

Dear Abhiram, the content added by some IP adderess was not in Sanskrut. I had mentioned the same over there. Thanks... Kautuk1 (सम्भाषणम्) ०८:२६, २६ दिसम्बर २०१६ (UTC)

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