सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:Collection of six Dramas of Vatsaraja.pdf/५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति


mrga in four acts treats of the abduction of Rukmatntby Kshna and the defeat of Rukmt and Sisupàla at the hands of Krishna The Tripuradàha is a Drma in four acts . The plot is based on the Pauranic legend of the burning of the capital of Tnpuràsura by Siva with his bow The Samudramathana, a Sama vakara in three acts, relates the churning of the ocean by gods and demons and the marriage of Vishnu w1th Laxmi. The cue to the Tnpuradāha and the Samudram1athanas 5eems to have been taken from the Bharatatanàtyasastra and from a remiark- 1n the Dasarupa Out of the remain1ng two pieces Karpurchantra describes the revelry, gamling and love of a gambler with a courtezan The Hãsyachudamana a farce 1n one act-holds up to ridicule an Acharya of the Bhàgavata School and his knowledge of Kevah V1dyà with which he professes to trace lost articles and discover buried treasures

 The author and h1s style--The author of all these works 1s Vatsaraja, who calls himself a minister of Parmāradudeva of Kàhnjara. This Vatsaràja need not be confounded w1th the son of Mahidhara arid minister of Kirtivar madeva, who erected a flight of steps in Samvat 1154 or with the grand father of Sallakshana, a minister of Paramardtr, who erected a temple of V1shnta in Samvat 1252 One verse of Vatsarāja 1s quoted in Jahlana's Suktumutaval but ltke Sukhs of many well known poets quoted there1n it is not to be found in any of the dramas collected here. The style of the author is easy, forcible and graceful it contains neither very long compounds nor jaw breaking words. The plots too are well exectuted. The dramas make very pleasant read1ng even in lesure hours .

The date of the author-'The Kirãtàrjuna was first represented on stage under the order of king Tralokyavarmadeva and the other five under the order

1 तया त्रिपुरदाहे डिमसज्ञ प्रयोजित् ।

Bharata Nàtyasàstta

इदं त्रिपुरदाहे तु लशणं व्रझणोदितम् ॥

ततस्पुिरदाद्दक्ष्च डिमसंज्ञ प्रयोञ्नित् । इति भरतमुनिना स्वयमेव त्रिपुरदाहेतिवृतस्य तुस्यत्वं दर्रितम् ॥ यद्रदम्मोधिमथने यया समुद्रमयने वामुद्रेवादीनां लश्म्यादिळामा ॥

Dasarhpavaloka III

आज्ञापय विभो ! क्षिप्र क प्रयोग प्रयुज्यताम् ॥ १ ॥

ततोऽस्म्युक्तो भगवता योनयामृतमयनम् | एतदुत्साइनननं सर्वप्रीतिकरं तथा ॥ २ ॥

सोऽप समस्तकार्यस्य घर्मकामार्थसाघक । मया प्रग्रपितो विद्वन्स प्रयोग प्रयुज्यताम् ॥ ३ ॥

Bharata Natyasastra

मया समयकारस्तु योऽप सृष्ट सुरोत्तम ! । थवणे दर्शने चास्य प्रमाद कर्तुमईसि ॥

2 सन्क्राब्यपीयूपसमुद्रमघ्ये न घाडपाग्निर्न च कालफूट ।
तस्यावगाद्देन दयापि चित्रं खलस्य ताप परमोऽम्युदेति ॥