he has quoted passages from famous writers and grammarians such as भामह, कुन्तक, वामन, हेमचन्द्र and others. The name is found written as पुण्यराज also. पुण्डरीकाक्ष a grammarian of the four- teenth century who wrote a com- mentary named कातन्त्रपरिशिष्टटीका on the कातन्त्रव्याकरण. पुण्यनन्दन a famous grammarian, who wrote a grammar work, named रूपमाला. पुण्यराज see पुञ्जराज. पुण्यसुन्दरगाणि a jain grammarian who has written a commentary work । on the धातुपाठ of हेमचन्द्र. पुत्रट् (1) the word पुत्र as given in the ancient list of masculine words marked with the mute letter ट् to signify the addition of the fem. affix ई ( ङीप् ): cf. P. IV.1.15: (2) the substitute पुत्रट् ( i. e. पुत्री ) for the word दुहितृ optionally prescrib- ed after the words सूत, उग्र, राज, भोज, कुल and मेरु in the simple sense of 'girl' and not ' daughter ' e. g. राजपुत्री, सूतपुत्री; cf. P.VI.3.70 Vārt. 9. पुनःप्रसङ्गविज्ञान occurrence or possibi- lity of the application of a preced- ing grammatical rule or operation a second time again, after once it has been set aside by a subsequent opposing rule or rules in conflict; cf. पुनःप्रसङ्गविज्ञानात् सिद्धम् Par. Śek. Pari. 39; cf. M. Bh. on P. I. 4.2 Vārt. 7; cf.also Puru. Pari. 40. पुनःप्रसव the same as प्रतिप्रसव counter- exception; cf. Cāndra,Vyāk. VI.4. 49. पुनरुक्त a passage which is repeated in the क्रमपाठ and the other Pāțhas or recitals; the word is also used in the sense of the conventional repe- tition of a word at the end of a chapter. The word पुनर्वचन is used |
also in the same sense; cf. यथोक्तं पुनरुक्तं त्रिपदप्रभृति त्रिपदप्रभृति । T.Pr.I.6l: cf. also R. Pr. X.8 and 10. पुनर्ग्रहण recital of a word again in the Krama and other Pāțhas for a special purpose, although such a recital after three times is gener- ally discouraged; cf. एवमर्थविशेषात् पुनरुक्तस्य ग्रहणं भवति ... Uv Bhāşya on V. Pr. IV. 177. पुनर्वचन use of the same word or expression, which, if noticed in the writing of the Sūtrakāra, is indi- cative of something in the mind of the Sūtrakāra; cf. अणः पुनर्वचनमपवाद- विषये अनिवृत्त्यर्थम् M. Bh. of P III. 3. 12 Vārt.1; cf also पुनर्वचनमनित्यत्वज्ञा- पनार्थम् । Kāś. on P. I. 41" पुनर्विधान prescribing the same affix or operation again, which gene- ally is attended with some pur- pose: cf. ण्वुलः क्रियार्थोपपदस्य पुनर्विधानं तृजादिप्रतिषेधार्थम्, P.III. 3.10 Vārt. I ; cf. also पुनर्विधानसामर्थ्यात् अध्यर्धपूर्वद्विगोर्लुङ् न, Kāś. on P. V.1.57. पुनर्वृत्ति occurrence of the same ope- ration again after it has once occ- urred and has been superseded; cf. अङ्गवृत्ते पुनवृत्तादविधिः, M.Bh. on VI. 4.160;VII. I.30 etc. पुम्. or पुंस् masculine. It appears that both पुभ्, and पुंस् were current terms meaning 'masculine ' in ancient days. cf. पुमः खय्यम्परे P.VIII. 3.12. and पुंसोसुङ् P. VII. 1.89. Al- though पुभ् is changed to पुंस् before a word beginning with a hard consonant, still पुंस् is given as an independent word derived from the root पा cf. पातेर्डुम्सुन् Unādi S IV. 177; cf. also the expressions पुंवचन, पुंलिङ्ग and पुंयोग. पुरस्तात् occurring beforehand, pre- ceding: cf. पुरस्तादपवादा अनन्तरान् विधीन् बाधन्ते , नोत्तरान् Par. Sek. Pari. 59, also M.Bh. on VII. 2.100; cf.
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्