सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

and which is at the end of a word e.g. कुर्वन्नास्ते, cf. P. VIII. 3.32.

नुम् augment न् inserted after the last vowel (1) of a root given in the Dhātupātha as ending with mute इ; e.g. निन्दति, क्रन्दति, चिन्तयति, जिन्वति etc.; cf. P VII.1.58; (2) of roots मुच् and others before the conjugational sign अ ( श ); e. g. मुञ्चति, लुम्पति; cf. P. VII.1.59; (3) of the roots मस्ज्, नश्, रध्, जभ् and लभ् under certain specified conditions, e.g.मङ्क्त्वा, नंष्टा, रन्धयति, जम्भयति, लम्भयति, आलम्भ्यः etc. cf. P.VII. 1.60-69; (4) of declin- able bases marked with the mute indicatory letter उ, ऋ or ऌ as also of the declinable wording अञ्च् from the root अञ्च् and युज्, e.g.भवान्, श्रेयान् , प्राङ्, युङ्, cf. Kās. on P. VII.1. 70, 71; (5) of the declinable base in the neuter gender, ending with a vowel or with any consonant excepting a semivowel or a nasal, before a case-ending termed Sar- vanāmasthāna; e.g. यशांसि, वनानि, जतूनि etc., cf. Kās. on VII.1.72; (6) of the declinable base in the neuter gender, ending with इ, उ,ऋ or ऌ before a case-ending beginning with a vowel; e.g. मधुने, शुचिने etc., cf. Kās, on P. VII.1.73; (7) of the affix शतृ ( अत् of the pres. part.) under certain conditions याती यान्ती; पचन्ती, सीव्यन्ती, cf. I .VII.78-8 : (8) of the word अनडुह् before the nom. and voc. sing. affix सु;e.g. अनड्वान् , हे अनड्वन्, cf. P. VII.1. 82; (9) of the words दृक्, स्ववस् and स्वतवस् before the nom. and voc.sing.affix सु in Vedic Literature, e. g. यादृङ्, स्ववान् , स्वतवान् , cf. P.VII.1.83.

नुमागम augment न् inserted after the last vowel of a root or a noun-base in specified cases. See नुम्. नृचक्ष-ं name of the second Yama letter.

नेमस्पृष्ट partly touched, half touched; semi-contacted; a term used for sibilants and hissing sounds.

नैकाच् multisyllabic, possessed of many syllables, as contrasted with एकाच्.

नैगम(1) belonging to the Veda, Vedic as opposed to लौकिक or भाषिक; cf. नैघण्टुकानि नैगमानीहेह Nir.I. 20; (2) name given to Kāndas 4, 5 and 6 of the Nirukta of Yāska; cf. अनवगत- संस्कारा जहादयो यस्मिन्निगम्यन्ते तन्नैगमं Durga Vr. on Nir IV.1.

नैघण्टुक mentioned as secondary; lit. निघण्टुकाण्डे वर्तमानानि पदानि; the term is applied to the first three Kāndas or sections of the Nirukta.

नैपातिक accessory; accidental; निपातात् अागतानि.

नैमित्तिक effect; one that is caused; cf. निमित्ताभावे नैमित्तिकस्याप्यभावः a Pari- bhāsā given by Vyādi, Siradeva and others.

नैरुक्त (1) obtained by derivation, ety- mological; (2) etymologist, writer of a Nirukta work.

नैर्देशिक matter of communication; statement made for communica- tion. Uddyota explains the word as निर्देशः बोधः प्रयोजनमस्य नैर्देशिकः । cf. एते खल्वपि नैर्देशिकानां वार्ततरका भवन्ति ये सर्वनाम्ना निर्देशाः क्रियन्ते M. Bh. on P. I.1.67.

नैवासिक tad. affixes अण् and others added in the sense of 'तस्य निवासः' (P. IV. 2. 69), as in words like शैब meaning the place of residence of the Sibis.

न्यक् a technical term in the Jainen- dra Vyākarana for the term उपसर्जन defined by Pānini in the rules प्रथमानिर्दिष्टं समास उपसर्जनम् and एक- विभक्ति चा पूर्वनिपाते P.I.2.43, 44.

न्यङ्कुसारिणी a kind of बृहती metre in which the second foot has twelve syllables, while the rest have