सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

eight syllables each; cf. द्वितीये न्यङ्कुसारिणी R.Pr.XVI.32.

न्यङ्क्वादि a class of words headed by the word न्यङ्कु, which are formed by means of the substitution of a guttural consonant in the place of a consonant of any other class belonging to the root from which these words are formed; e.g. न्यङ्कुः मद्गुः, भृगुः etc.; cf. Kās, on P.VII.3. 53.

न्यच् going lower, subordinate, the word is used in the sense of upa- sarjana as a technical term in the Jainendra Vyākarana, cf. वोक्तं न्यक् Jain. Vy.I.1.93.

न्यवग्रह also नीचावग्रह, the vowel at the अवग्रह or end of the first member of a compound word which has got a grave accent; e. g. the vowel ऊ of नू in तनूनप्त्रे; cf. उदाद्यन्तो न्यवग्रह- स्तथाभाव्यः V. Pr. I. 120. See ताथा- भाव्य.

न्यस्त name given to अनुदात्त or the grave tone; cf. मात्रा न्यस्ततरैकेषामुभे व्यालि: समस्वरे R. Pr. III. 17 where Uvvata explains न्यस्ततरा as अनुदात्ततरा.

न्याय maxim, a familiar or patent instance quoted to explain simi- lar cases; cf. the words अग्नौकरवाणि- न्याय M. Bh. on P. II 2.24, अपवाद- न्याय M. Bh. on P. I. 3.9, अविरवि- कन्याय M. Bh. on P. IV. 1. 88, 89, IV. 2.60, IV.3.131, V. 1.7, 28, VI 2. 11 ; कुम्भीधान्यन्याय M.Bh. on P.I. 3.7, कूपखानकन्याय M.Bh. I. 1. Āhnika 1, दण्डिन्याय M.Bh. on P. VIII.2.83, नष्टाश्वदग्धरथन्याय M. Bh. on P. I.1.50 प्रधानाप्रधानन्याय M.Bh.on P.II.1.69,VI. 3. 82, प्रासादवासिन्याय M. Bh. on P.I . 1.8, मांसकण्टकन्याय M.Bh. on P.I.2.39, लट्वानुकर्षणन्याय M.Bh. on Siva Sūtra 2 Vārt. 5, शालिपलालन्याय M.Bh on P. 1.2.39,सूत्रशाटकन्याय M.Bh. on P. I.3. 12. The word came to be used in the general sense of Paribhāsās

or rules of interpretation many of which were based upon popular maxims as stated in the word लोकन्यायसिद्ध by Nāgesa. Hemacan- dra has used the word न्याय for Paribhāsa-vacana. The word is also used in the sense of a general rule which has got some exceptions, cf. न्यायैर्मिश्रानपवादान् प्रतीयात् R. Pr. which lays down the direction that 'one should interpret the rule laying down an exception along with the general rule'.

न्यायरत्नमञ्जूषा a work dealing with Vyākarana Paribhāsas or maxims as found in Hemacandra's system of grammar, written bv Hema- hamsaganin, a pupil of Ratna- sekhara, in 1451. The author has written a commentary also on the work, named Nyāsa.

न्यायसंग्रह a work enumerating the Paribhāsas in Hemacandra's gram- mar, numbering 140 nyāyas out of which 57 nyāyas are said to have been given by Hemacandra himself at the end of his comment बृहद्वृत्ति on his Śabdānuśāsana. The work is written by हेमहंसगणि who has added a commentary to it called Nyayārthamaňjūșa by him, which is also known by the name न्यायरत्नमञ्जूषा which see above.

न्यायसंहित combined euphonically ac- cording to rules of grammar; cf. तद्वति तद्धिते न्यायसंहितं चेत् explained as व्याकरणशास्त्रोक्तसंधिमत् V. Pr. V. 8 com.

न्यायसिद्ध established by a maxim; with full justification; cf. न्यायसिद्धमेवैतत् M. Bh.on V.1.19.The word is used as opposed to ज्ञापकसिद्ध by Nāgesa; cf. Par. Sek. Pari. 1.

न्यायार्थमञ्जूषा a name given to न्याय- रत्नमञ्जूषा. See न्यायरत्नमञ्जूषा.

न्याय्य proper; fully justified न्यायादन- पेतम् cf. P.IV.4.92; correct; regular;