tise is also known as चाङ्गुसूत्र or चाङ्गु-व्याकरण. चण् the indeclinable च (with ण् as a mute letter added to it which of course disappears) possessing the sense of चेत् or condition. e.g. अयं च मरिष्यति cf. Kas, on P. VIII. 1.30. चणप् tad. affix चण in the sense of वित्त (known by) applied to a word which refers to that thing by which a person is known. e. g. विद्याचणः, केशचण:; cf. P. V. 2.26. चण्डपण्डित writer of a Prakrta gram- mar.He was known also as चन्द्र and hence identified by some with Candragomin. चतुर्थ a term used by ancient gram- marians for the fourth consonants which are sonant aspirates, termed झष् by Panini; cf. R. Pr. IV. 2. T. Pr. I. 18, V. Pr. 1 54. R. T. 176. वतुर्थी a term used by ancient gra- mmarians for the dative case; cf. उतो त्वस्मै तन्वं विसस्रे इति चतुर्थ्याम्; Nir. I. 9.३. चतुर्थीसमास the tatpurusa compound with the first word in the dative case in its dissolution; cf. वतुर्थीसमासे सति पूर्वपदकृतिस्वरत्वेन भवितव्यम् M. Bh. on II. 1.36. चतुर्मात्र consisting of four matras or moras, a short vowel consisting of one matra, a long vowel of two matras, and a protracted vowel of three matras; cf. आन्तर्यतस्त्रिमात्र- चतुर्मात्राणां स्थानिनां त्रिमात्रचतुर्मात्रा आदेशा मा भूवन्निति । M. Bh. on Siva sutra 3.4. चन्द्र a famous Buddhist Sanskrit grammarian whose grammar existing in the Tibetan script, is now available in the Devana- gar script. The work consists of six chapters or Adhyayas in which no technical terms or sanjnas like |
टि, घु are found. There is no section on Vedic Grammar and accents. The work is based on Panini's grammar and is believed to have been written by Candra or Candragomin in the 5th cen- tnry A. D. Bhartrhari in his Vakyapadiya refers to him; cf. स नीतो बहुशाखत्वं चन्द्राचार्यादिभिः पुनः Vakyapadiya II. 489. A summary of the work is found in the Agni- purana, ch. 248-258. चन्द्रकला, called also कला, a well- known commentary on Nagesa's Laghusabdendusekhara by Bhai- ravamisra who lived in the latter half of the 18th century and the first half of the nineteenth century. चन्द्रकीर्ति a Jain grammarian of the twelfth century A.D. who has written a commentary named Subodhini on the Sarasvata Vya- karaha. चन्द्रगोमिन् named also चन्द्र, a Bud- dhist scholar who has written an easy Sanskrit Grammar based on the Astadhyayi of Panini. He is believed to have lived in North India in the fifth century A.D. See चन्द्र. चन्द्राचार्य a grammarian mentioned by Bhartrhari in his Vakyapadiya as one who took a leading part in restoring the traditional explana- tion of Panini's Vyakarana which, by the spread of rival easy trea- tises on grammar, had become almost lost: cf. यः पतञ्जलिशिष्येभ्यो भ्रष्टो ब्याकरणागमः । काले स दाक्षिणात्येषु ग्रन्थमात्रे व्यवस्थित: ॥ पर्वतादागमं लब्ध्वा भाष्यबीजानुसा- रिभि: । स नीतो बहुशाखत्वं चन्द्राचार्यादिभिः पुनः ॥ Vakyapadiya II. 488-489. See चन्द्र and चन्द्रगोमिन्. चय् a short term (Pratyahara) for the first letters ( क् , च् , ट् त्, and प्र) of the five classes. Sometimes as |
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्