सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/९४

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति


Išānaśivagurudevapaddhati श्रुतो दृष्टोऽनुभूतश्च प्रार्थितः कथितस्तथा । एष्यश्च सूचकश्चेति स्वप्नः सप्तविधः स्मृतः॥ So depending on the nature of the dream the preceptor performs further rites to ward off evils and to acquire prosperity. After performing various rituals to the accompaniment of Mantras the preceptor cuts the tuft of the disciple according to specification. The tuft of the disciple yearning for wordly prosperity may be cut leaving a length of about twelve inches, whereas in the case of the one desirous of liberation a length of about eight inches must be left after cutting. This is symbolic of the detatchment from the worldly life. After worshipping the god the following prayer shall be made by the priest : विज्ञापयेद भो भगवन्नध्वशुद्धिस्त्वदाज्ञया। अस्यात्मनः कृता देव लूनपाशशिखा यतः ॥

शिवत्वं च परं धाम यात्वयं त्वदनुग्रहात् ।

आज्ञामे दीयतामस्य शिवत्वगुणयोजने ॥ Then Sivacaitanya may be imparted to the disciple according to specific rituals. The identity of the disciple with Siva is imagined and the six qualities pertaining to the god may be ascribed to him. These qualities are enumerated as : Sārvajña, Paritypta Anādibuddha, Svatantra, Aluptaśakti and Anantaśakti. This disciple will be bathed in sanctified water. Now it is time to advise him regarding the eight conventions to be adhered to by the followers of Siva. These conventions are called Samayācāras. The main features of these conventions are: (1) One should not despise Siva, Saivāgamas and the followers of that system including teachers and priests. (2) One should not tread on the shadows of Siva temples, idols of the God and cows bearing his marks. Also one should not share meals with outcastes who must be kept away. (3) Principles of of the Saiva tenets, Saivamantras and Tantras should not be caused to be copied or explained by heretics. (4) One should take one's food only after worshipping Siva once, twice or thrice a day. (5) Heretics, people of the lower caste and sinners should not be permitted to take the religious vow of the system. (6) One should offer cooked rice and flowers to sacrificial fire and give food and drinks to guests, beggars old men and others in poor circumstances. Libations of food may be given to parrots, cows and Caņdalas. (7)