सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/९५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति


Kriyapada .91 On the eighth day in a lunar half month one should not cohabit with ladies, shave the hair and use oil for bath. Taking food in vessels of bell-metal, eating of fish and meat and drinking of liquor also are prohibited on that day. (8) On the eight and fourteenth day of the lunar half month and other auspicious days worship should be made at holy shrines. Food shall be taken only once in a day. Service should be rendered to holy men, travellers, Brahmins servants and those who seek protection. These are the eight Samayas-or conventions to be scrupulously followed by devotees, for the attainment of the desired effects. (19) Sadhakadiksa- the ceremonial vow to be taken by the priest of the sacrifice is an important ritual. It is defined as follows: यस्यां तु पाशविश्लेषान्निवृत्यादिषु शोध्यते ।


पदे ॥

अधिकारश्च तन्त्रादौ दीक्षा सा साधका ह्वया ॥
The consecration of the Sādhaka--the priest is a ritual having many ancilliaries. Only the light disciple can be made a Sadhaka. Among the rites include the invoking of the eightfold prosperities like Anima, Mahima etc.

हुत्वा चाष्टाहुती: शिष्यं कुर्यादष्टगुणैर्युतम् । अणिमा महिमा चैव लघिमा प्राप्तिरेव च ॥ प्राकाम्यं च तथेशित्वं वशित्वं च ततः परम् ।


कामावसायित्वमित्यैश्वर्य गुणाष्टकम् ॥

Once he is proclaimed as a Sādhaka he becomes eligible for certain official insignias like a bracelet, upper garment or shawl, umbrella, chowries, slippers, books string of beads, golden vase. vehicles and other items prescribed for royalty. Naturally the preceptor who initiates the Sadhaka also becomes eligible for all these paraphernalia which give him social status.

ततः संयोजयेत् शिष्यमधिकारेण साधनैः ।

कटकं चोत्तरीयं च च्छत्रं चामरपादुके ।
पुस्तकं चाक्षसूत्रx च भृङ्गारं यानवाहने ।

अन्यच्च राजचिन्ह्नं यत् सर्वमहति साधकः ॥ Thus a disciple becomes a Sádhaka or priest to perform rituals. He