सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:ईशानशिवगुरुदेवपद्धतिः (प्रथमः भागः).djvu/७७

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Kriyāpāda 73 भस्मस्नानाधिकारी स्यान्नान्यथा मुनिपुङ्गव । रोगपीडावशात् स्नातुमशक्तो वारुणे यदा ॥ आग्नेयमेव तस्येष्टं रोगप्रशमनं च तत् । आग्नेयं भस्मना स्नानमखिलाघानिबर्हणम् || The importance of performing the daily rituals is stressed in the concluding stanza of the section as follows : सन्ध्योपास्तिप्रसङ्गादिति विधिविहितं नैत्यकं कर्मचक्रं संक्षेपात शैवतन्त्रे स्मृतमिह कथितं लिङ्गिनां वर्णिनां च । दृष्टादृष्टेष्टसिद्धिप्रदमिह मुनिभिः सेवितं चेति सन्त: स्वीकुर्वन्तु स्ववित्तं स्वयमिव सुहृदः सत्पथा वर्तयन्तः ।। (4) The section is devoted to the purification of body and mind. The first one is easily done by taking bath. For the second Yogic practices are necessary. Concentration of mind is essential for this. Only after performing this kind of dual puri- fication one becomes eligible for meditation, chanting of Mantras etc. The section begins thus : प्रणम्य शम्भुं शशिखण्डशेखरं भवं भवछेदकरं समासतः । सभूतशुद्धिक्रममात्मशोधनं निगद्यते योगजपादि सिद्धये ॥ This kind of purification is useful for retaining health and avoiding ailments. The final stanza of the section exhorts people purify themselves. नहि सलिलविशेषैः केवलं क्षालनाद्यै : प्रभवति परिशुद्धिर्यन्मलिष्टं शरीरम् । द्विविधमितिह सद्भिः सान्तरङ्गात्मशुद्धिः सविधि समुपदिष्टां तां भजे नित्यशोऽपि ॥ (5) The section deals with Upacāras or articles of worship. The worship is of three kinds Jyestha, Madhyama and Adhama depending on the number of items employed. The Sādhaka can choose for himself the particular mode in accordance with his wish or capability. Accordingly in the first type, sixteen modes are enumerated. In the second type the number is reduced to ten while in the third only five items are included. The following stanzas give the respective items giving sixteen, ten and five modes of worship.