सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१४९

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act II, Notes & Translation

 The king's attention is caught by another feature of the morning scenery and he contemplates it in a light that bespeaks a Sensual mind.

 जुम्भारम्भप्रवितदलोप्रविष्टै:-भानोः हस्तैः नृपतय इव स्पृश्य मानाः (सन्तः) विबुद्धाः,धनपरिमलस्तोकलक्ष्यांगरागाः एते द्विरेफाः स्त्रीभिः साघै विकचनलिनौगर्भशय्यां मुञ्चन्ति । जृम्भारम्भ--------प्रविष्टैः :-जृम्भायाः आरम्भेण प्रवितताः दलानां उपान्ता तेषां जालानि, तैः प्रविष्टाः ( इस्ताः ) That entered through the network of the edges of petals now stretched outwards at the contamencement of the blooming process.

 घनपरिमल......रागा:-धन: परिमल यस्य, एतादृशः स्तोंकं लक्ष्यश्च अंगरागः येषां एतादृशाः ( द्विरेफाः ) whose pigment of rich fragrance applied to the body is now but slightly visible. The coating of pollen dust covering the body of the drone is spoken of as its अंगराग and it is now but indistinctly visible, because most of it has been rubbed off by the caressings of the sweet-heart during the night.

 विकचनलिनी......शय्यां-विकचयाः नलिन्याः गर्भः एव शय्या ताम् The bed in the interior of the lotus now full-blown.

 Translation -Here these drones are quitting, along with their mates, their bed in the interiors of day-lotuses now fullblown, being roused from their sleep by being touched, like so many kings by the rays of the Sun penetrating through the meshes formed by the borders of petals stretched wide on account of the blooming process (of the flower) having commenced; and their pigment of rich odour (namely, the crust of pollen dust covering their bodies) is but indistinctly visible (most of it having been rubbed off in their nightly dalliance with their Sweet-hearts.)

 Here there are all the elements of समासोकि except that the imputation to the drones of another's experience and behaviour (those of kings in the present. case) is not suggested by implication but directly expressed by the insertion of the phrase नृपतन्य इव. Without the words नपतंय इव, he figure would be समासौकि ; with them it is उपमा, not समासोंक्ति.

 अनुपम्-Close upon your heels.

 अतिसंतापोपगृहीतहृद्यया-अतिसंतापेन उपगृहीतं हृदयं यस्याः सा, तया, with my mind wholly possessed with anguish.