पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१५०

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Bhatta Naraya-Venissamhara

 लताजालेन अन्तरितः-Screened by this network of creepers.

 मन्त्रयमाणा-Talking secretly pr confidentially. ..........

 विश्रब्धालापः-Confidential talk.

 अविषयः खलु दुर्योधनो भवत्याः कोपस्य'-Duryodhana, indeed, does not deserve your resentment.

 St..9. मया प्रमादात् कण्ठे भुजलतापाशाः किं शिथिलीकृतः,निद्राच्छेदाविवर्तनेषु (किं) अद्य अभिमुख न संभावितासि, स्वप्ने त्वया (किं)'अन्यस्त्रीजनसंकथालघुः अई लक्षितः, प्रिये परिजनोपालम्भयोग्ये मयि के दर्ष पश्यसि ।

निद्राच्छेदविवर्तनेषु-निद्रायाः छेदेषु यानि विवर्तनानि तेषु. In the turnings from side to side (during breaks of sleep. अन्यत्रीजनसंकथा लघुः—अन्येन स्त्रीजनेन संकथा, तया लघुः Debased to the extent of engaging in wanton talk with other women.

 Translations :-Have I been guilty of loosening the grip of my arms round your neck through carelessness? Have you not been, this day, honoured by me sufficiently by lying face to face with you, in the repeated process of turning from side to side during breaks of sleep? Did you See me in dream so far debauched as to be talking Wantonly with another woman.?. 0 beloved, what fault have you found in me who deserve, at your hands, to be rebuked like a servant (if found guilty) ?

 अभिमुखी for अभिमुखं would make some difference in meaning, which, however, need not to be dwelt upon.

  Duryodhana's thoughts, as expressed here, are full of nauseating sensuality.

 P. 60 St: 12. अस्मदुपाश्रयैकचित्ता इयं प्रेमनिवद्धमत्सरेण मनसा मम अपराधले स्वयं उत्प्रेक्ष्य अतिवल्लभवात् नियतं कुपिता ।

 अस्मदुपाश्चयैकचित्ता-वयं उपाश्रयः यस्य, एतादृशं एक चित्तं यस्मैः सा. Whose heart rests upon me as its sole resort.

 This is evidently the force of the compound but the position of एक before चित्त renders the compound difficult to explain except by such device as is resorted to by the commentator, who explains एकचित्त as meaning श्रेष्ठचित्त and quotes his authority for that meaning of the word एक. One other way to explain this compound seerns possible, though this too is by no means satisfactory. It is this:--अस्माकं उपाश्रयः = अस्मदुपाश्रयः; एकं चित्तं यस्याः सा एकचित्ता, where एकं means केवलं and thence अमन्यगामि by a rather unjustifiable stretch ; thus एकचित्ता would mean ' having a mind solely given to, having her thoughts exclusively rest-