सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:A Sanskrit primer (1901).djvu/५०

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

34 Lesson IV. VO en O agnis atra becomes ufate agnir atra; ufah Fafa agnis dahati becomes ufusefa agnir dahati. See also $ 95. os to 118. 2. Final TA as, before any sonant consonant or before ər50 initial short a, is changed to 0 – and the initial y a is dropped ; thus, 747 frafa n;pas jayati becomes quaufa nȚpo jugati; नृपस् अत्र nrpus atra = नृपो ऽच nrp० ‘tra. 119. It is the practice in our system of transliteration to render the sign s, which denotes this dropping of an initial 7 a, by an inverted comma. 75+4 120. 3. Before any initial vowel other than short y a, final arta 7 as loses its # 8, becoming simple y a; and the hiatus thus occasioned remains; thus, T44 Trofa nipas icchati becomes 79 इच्छति nrpa icchutt; ततस् उदकम् tutas udakam = तत उदकम् tata udakam. ās nā 121. 4. Final TF as before any sonant, whether vowel or 22 consonant, loses its #, becoming simply #Tā; and the hiatus thus occasioned remains ; thus, 7418 fanspās icchanti = 741 ofan nȚpā icchanti ; 7978 gefa nipās jayanti = qui seran ngpā jayanti. 122. B. Final Jr. 1. Final Tr in general shows the same form which Ħ s would exhibit under the same conditions: thus Ti punar standing at the end of a sentence becomes yo: punaḥ; | "sAya गीर gir, गीः gah. But original final र ?, after अ a or आ a, maintains itself before vowels and sonant consonants; thus, YOTE punar atra, yogura punar jayati. 123. 2. A double T r is nowhere admitted: if such would occur, either by retention of an original yr or by conversion of 8 to Tr, the first T : is omitted, and the preceding vowei, if short, is made long by compensation; thus, gate TTA: punar rāmaḥ Ś पुना रामः puna rannah; अग्निस् रोचते ngnis rocate = अनी रोचते agna rocate ; धेनुस रोचते dhenus rocute = धन रोचते dhenu roccte. an. not Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®