सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:कादम्बरी-उत्तरभागः(पि.वि. काणे)१९१३.djvu/३८३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

KADAMBAR. 348 भीपणा भृकुटिः यस्मिन् अत एव रौद्रतरम् (अतिभयङ्करम् ) तेन आननेन आरक्ता 1) केकरतरा च कनीनिका (pupil ) यस्य तेन चक्षुषाः केकर ०dv ।०८ squint-eyed. आशये..लिग्धम् who was not निग्ध ( affectionate; cily) in his intentions and his hair. In this and the following clauses, the adjectives लिग्ध &c. have two appli . cations. His mind had no affection (लह ) ४. e. he was wicked his hair was not निग्ध ४. e. it knew no oil and no combing. ‘अभिप्रायछन्द आशयः ' इत्यमरःHere आशय has a different mean ing from what it has a little above. आनने...कारितम् who was darkened hoth in his face and his knowledge ४. e. his face was dark and he was ignorant. वगै ...कृष्णं who was dark in colour as well as his conduct. His deeds were dark ४. e. sinful. निवसने मलिनम् He was dirty in dress and acts. Ardraws a distinction between चरित and कर्म. ‘चरितं नाम जातिधर्मः, कर्मेति आहारादिकम्. वपुषि...परुषम् who was harsh (or rongh) in body as well as speech अदृष्टा...दोषम् whose fault of cruelty was to be inferred by relyind upon his very appearance, although a person like him was neither seen nor heard before. अदृष्टं अश्रुतं च अनुरूपं (resemblance ) यस्य. N explaing अनुरूपं by स्वरूपम्, which seems to be without warrant. Ar. and bhe Calcutta editions read अदृष्टश्रुतानुभूतम् ( who was neither seen by chance nor heard nor familiar ) दृष्टो नाम यादृच्छिकदृष्टः अनुभूतः. परिचितःAF. This reading is preferable. प्रत्ययः belief, confidence. His form ya Bo terrific that one would have confidently drawn the conclusion that he was cruel . क्रौर्यदोषः (क्रीर्यमेव दोषः, क्रौर्याख्यो दोषः इत्यर्थः ) यस्य आत्मन••.प्रत्याशः एव being utterly hopeless as to my life. The meaning is:-I thought there was no hope of saving my life from thnt cruel man. यद्य मिष...पादितोस्मि (If you caught me ) through the desire for my fesh (आमिपं), then why did you not kill me when I was asleep? In that case he (parrot ) would not have experienced any grief, किं--भावितेन what is the use of making me who am innocent ex perience the pain of imprisonment (बन्धः ? निर्गतं आगः (अपराधः पापं वा) यस्मात् स निरागाः= निरपराधः or निष्पापः‘पापापराधयोरागः अथ..कौतुकम् if ( you have caught me in the net ) simply through curiosity (of seeing whether you can catch me then you have satisfied ( it. carried out, done ) your curiosity ४. e. you have caught me ). Ar. says ‘एवमेव कीतुकेन सुप्तोऽयं मया ग्रहीतुं शक्यते वा न वेति ग्रहणकौतुकेन कारणेन । किं तर्हि ग्रहणौतुकं कृतमेव T takes कृतं in the sense of enough, away with a तब कैौतुकं यदि ततः कृतं अलमेव कोतुकम्. भद्रमुख a polite way of address meaning good sir. Ar . reads भद्रमुख्यः and explains ‘भद्राणां