
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
P,65,1.2.-अतः परं पुनः कथयिष्यामि. ’From this point I will resume it
P.65,1.7–मां च पीडयितुम्. See note on p. 19, 1. 7.
P.65,1.11–दाणिं विसेसो. ’It is a little better now. Literally विसेसो or
विशेषः means difference, 'a change', viz. for the better. See
an exactly similar passage in Śâkuntala, Act III, “ अम्मो अथ्थि विसेसो".
p. 7l,1.6, Calc. Ed. 1860. MS. G omits दाणिं altogether.
P.66,1.1.–आआर पुफ्फ° &c. With this compound compare आचार-
लाजाः &c., so often occurring in Raghuvaḿśa and elsewhere.
Raghuvaḿśa, II. 10, “ आचारपुष्पाणि, " flowers which it is required by the custom of the good (आचार = शिष्टाचार) to take
with one’s self when on a visit to a god or great personage.'
P.66,1,3.-जीविदसंसए, ‘to this danger to his life.जीविदसंसऒwould
literally mean, doubt whether the life will be preserved or no.
Cf. infrâ p. 79, 1, 14, and p. 105, 1. 12. See also Ratnâvalî,
p.41,1.20; p. 60, 1. 16, Calc. Bd. Sam. 1921.
P. 67, 1, 2.-सिमिसिमाअन्ति. This is an imitative verb, expressive of a
tremulous and aching sensation, probably convulsive. Probably
our Marâthî शिविशिंवणें may owe its origin to this word.
P. 67, 1. 6. --प्रकृतिभीरुस्तपस्वी . * The poor Brahman is naturally timid .
On ‘ तपस्वी; see note on p. 35, 1. 12 above .-ध्रुवसिद्धेरपि &c He
has no confidence in the success of even Dhruvasiddhi, blessed
as the latter always is with success. For Dhruvasiddhi literally
means, one who is always successful (ध्रुवा सिद्धिर्यस्य सः).
P. 67, 1. 8. --ओभख्खेमं वहेहि, 'take upon yourself the care of the welfare of my old mother. ' मुध्धा, ‘ simple, ’ ‘ silly,’ and therefore
unable to support herself. MS. G reads थविराए for “ मुध्धाए
P. 68, 1. 8.-उदकुम्भविहाणे सप्पमुहिअं कंपि अण्णेसो अदुत्ति 'This seems to
mean, that Dhruvasiddhi was to take a ring having the image of
a snake engraved on it, and put it upon the lid of a pitcher full