
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
नुह.' MSG's reading is worthy of attention, as throwing some
light on our interpretation of the passage : « तदो देवीए [सा]
पुछ्छिदा (किं आलख्खदो वल्लहोत्ति । ताए उत्तं जं देवि -[दे ?]- परिअणस्स वल्लह-
त्तणं ण जणिअ पुछ्छसित्ति", where *" किं आलख्खद बल्लहो’ =Did you
see the dear one ?’
P.62,1.11. -शङ्कयति, scil.शृण्वन्तं जनं, राज्ञोसदृशम्-
P.62,.13.—अविणअं अन्तरेण = « अविनयविषये,' ’ with reference to your
fault or misconduct ' The अविनय here referred to is the conversation between the King and Mâlavikâ in the last preceding
Act. See pp. 55, 56 suprâ On अन्तरेण cf. Śâkuntala, Act V.,
"देवीं हंसवतीमन्तरेण’’ &c.p. 104, 1. 4, Calc. Ed. 1860.
P.62,1.14–परिगहोदथा. See note on p. 54, 1. 14, suprâ.
P.63,1.1.-तत्रभवत्याः, referring to Irâvat'
P.63,1.3.—पादालवासं humourously applied to the cellar. —णाaअकण्णआ
विअ, ’like the daughters of the Nâgas,’ a race of fabled beings,
distinguished for their beauty, and supposed to live in the nether
regions पातालं).
P.63,1.7.-प्रगलपुरोवाता, ’ accompanied by a violent gale.' Cf :
Vikramorvaśî, Act IV. , ‘ प्रबलपरीवातनर्तितशिखण्डः ”
P.68.3,11. –G has, very desirably, ‘‘ मालविआ बउलावलिएत्ति ”
P.64,1.1. -सुणादि (= शृणोति), for शृणुयात्
P.64,1.4.-रत्तचन्दणधारिणा. The रक्तचन्दन or red sandal is devoid of
any fragrance. Slight wounds and bruises are supposed to be
healed when besmeared with it The principal effect said to
be secured by the use of the red sandal, however, is the relief
it gives to the inflamed part. See p. 69,1. 7, शतक्रिया चास्य प्रशस्ता
P.64,1.8. - अरितपाणि &c. *Shall get some flowers to present the
Queen with.'
P.64,1.10.–-जयसेनायाः संवेद्य. Jayasenâ's assistance was to be used
in putting into practice the dodge for bringing the Queen's ring,
and thereby liberating Mâlavikâ and her friend Bakulâvalikâ.