सामग्री पर जाएँ


  • इंद्रियाणींद्रियार्थेभ्यस्तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता ॥५८॥  When, again, as a tortoise draws in on all sides its limbs, he withdraws his senses from the objects...
    ४५९ B (६८,१६५ शब्दाः) - ०७:३६, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८
  • whom Bali was tied down (as Vamana), the ocean was churned (as the divine tortoise), the demon race was vanquished (as Mohini) and the earth standing in danger...
    ३८५ B (६६,२०५ शब्दाः) - ११:२२, २५ जनवरी २०१९
  • reflection on a man of forgetful nature, who is compared to a female tortoise. The she-tortoise has a forgetful nature. She forgets that she has laid eggs. Suddenly...
    ३७० KB (४५,०२५ शब्दाः) - १५:२८, २४ जून् २०२३
  • (See No. 1049) 6. 8; 15. 16. 1051.: Nom. sing. of the mas. noun Kürma (A tortoise) 2. 58. 1052. कृतकृत्य: Nom. sing of the mas. form of the comp. past partici-...
    ३९५ B (१,५५,०७६ शब्दाः) - ०७:०१, ९ आगस्ट् २०१८
  • tuccha - ' empty * (for tu£ya- t cf. Khot. tus£a-<*tusya-) and kacchapa - ‘ tortoise ' (cf. the proper name Kasyapa ~) we have the same development of a group...
    २६२ B (१,७४,३५८ शब्दाः) - १०:५९, २१ जुलै २०१८
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