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पृष्ठम्:Surya siddhanta (with commentary).pdf/१०१

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Sargya-Siddhanta we might have expected contentators to as the findue that expert would employ the interval of time directly in making the correction for ditorence of longihude, instead of reducing it first to ite value in yojan05, That they did not measure hongitude in our manner, im degrees, etc.is owing to bbe fact that they seem never to have thought of applying to the globe of the earth the system of mosurement by circles and divisions of circles which they used for the sphere of the heaven8, but, even when dividing the earth into ones (see belowxii. 53.88) reduced all their dis tances laboriously to youmas 66. The succession of the week-day (evttakes place, to the east of the meridian, at a time after midnight equal to the difference of longitude in nilis ; to the west of the micridian, at a corresponding time before midnight This verse appears to us to be an astrological precept, a88erting the regency of the sun and the other planets, in their order, or the successive portions of time assigmed to ench, to begin everywhere at the sume instant of nbsolute time, that of their true commencement upon the prime meridian; so that, for instance, nt Washington, Sunlay ak the day placed under the guardianship of the sun auld Yelt begin nt eleven minutes before +y on Saturday atternoop, by local time, The commentator, how evct, secs in it merely or intination of what moment \f local time, places east and west of the meridian, correspons to the true beginning of the any upon the prime meridian, and he is at much poing to defend the vorse from the change of being superfou and unnecessnry, to which it is indeed linble, it that be it only meaning The rules thuk fa given hav¢ directed us only how to find the mean noes of the planets at a givon midnight. The followin vorate teacheck +he method of ascertaining their position at any requirod hour १ * 87. Multiply the mean daily motion of a planet by the num ber of nahs of the time fixed upon, and divide by sixty: subtract the quotient from the place of the planet, if the time be before midnight; add, if it be after : the result is its place at the given time, -- -- The proportion is as follows : RR the number of nds in a day (sixty) is to those in the interval between midnight nd the time for which the mean place of the planet is sought, so is the whole daily motion of the planet to its motion during the interval; and the result is additive o? subtractivo, of course according as the time ixed upon is atter or before midnight.