3. Kalidasa's Life
4. The Rtusamhara .
5. The Meghaduta .
6. The Kumarasambhava
7. The Raghuvanca .
8. Kalidasa's Thought
9. Kalidasa's Style and Metre
V. Bharavi, Bhatti, Kumaradasa, and Magha
1. Bharavi
2. Bhatti . .
3. Kumaradasa
4. Magha
VI. The Lesser Epic Poets
VII. Historical Kavya
1. Indian Historical Writing
2. The Beginnings of History
3. Bilhana
4. Kalhana's Life and Times
5. The Rajatarangini and its Sources
6. Kalhana as a Historian
7. Kalhana's Style .
8. Minor Historical Kavya
VIII. Bhartrhari, Amaru, Bilhana, and Jayadeva
1. Bhartrhari
2. Amaru
3. Bilhana
4. Jayadeva .
IX. Lyric Poetry and the Anthologies
1. Secular Poetry
2. Religious Poetry .
3. The Anthologies .
4. Prakrit Lyrics
X. Gnomic and Didactic Poetry .
1. Gnomic Poetry
2. Didactic Poetry .
79 82
87 92
98 101
109 109 116 119
144 144
158 161 164 169
J 75
- 75
183 188 190
199 199 210
322 223
227 227 236