3f This is another form of ^f, similarly ^ for ^f.
- U An alternative form of f?T.
^» Another variant of f?T, but far less common. C*T Obviously the same as C^. W A radically different form of T 5T An alternative form of |T (jna). ^T This is a variation of the form for <8fT (ksa). ^T Another form of the Vedic anusvara ^T (see 8.A.1). ^ A rarer form of the Vedic anusvara. ™ Vedic form of 5. ^ Vedic form of (©. The following are variations in the numerals: 9 = ? = i v = a = 4 M=<^=y = 5 9. A. 3 Variations in Samyoga As was mentioned in Lesson 7, there are no hard and fast rules governing the formation of a samyoga; however, there are a few that are sometimes not obvious: ? This is a quite common form of ^ (dr). J^T A variation of ^ (hna). ^T An alternative of ^ (hla). JT Another form of |=j (hva). 9. A. 4 Revision The next page has a summary of the information about the alphabet, and the following page is a reference sheet of the character shapes of the alphabet. This would be a good time to lightly revise all the notes about the alphabet, starting from Lesson 1: now that you are more familiar with the alphabet, you may find that much of the information now is clearer.