Lesson 12 91 1. Monier- Williams Dictionary 2. Alphabet and Transliteration 3. Fundamental Structure 4. Page Heading Words 5. Dictionary Practice Lesson 13 97 1. Words beginning with Sa- 2. Structure of DevanagarT level 3. Structure within non-Dhatu entries 4. References and Abbreviations 5. Special Symbols 6. Significance of Hyphen and Caret Symbols 7. Supplement to the Dictionary 8. Dictionary Practice Lesson 14 103 1. Tracing a Word to its Dhatu 2. Dhatu Entry Information 3. Numbered Entries 4. Misleading Words 5. Difficult Words 6. Dictionary Practice Lesson 15 109 1. Introduction to Dhatu-Patha 2. The Contents Page 3. The Text Body 4. The Index 5. Dhatu Spelling Changes 6. Illustrations of Dhatu-Patha Use 7. Study of the Scriptures 8. Study Practice Appendix 1: Suggestions for Further Study 121 Appendix 2: Answers to Exercises 123 Appendix 3: English Grammatical Terms 135 Sanskrit Glossary and Index 141
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