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पृष्ठम्:Sanskrit Introductory.djvu/६५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

• The symbol W> (ka) may be compressed to ^, or even further to ^*, for example: ^ + W> y f> kka W> + cT y W> kta • The symbol 5T is often written as or in combination, for example: 5T + 3V *? or -^ or 53" sva 5T + ^ >- IT or IT or 5^T sea • The same group of symbols can be found in different forms: 5? + ^T y If or ^ nca ^> + cT + 3V^f> or 3x3* ktva ^ + r7 y ^ or ^ pla ^T + ^T y IT or ^ cca r7 + r7 y 8 or rr7 lia While there may be different conventions and styles for making compounds, there are no obvious absolute rules. Ideas that familiar forms are right and others wrong should be avoided: both proportions and angles of the symbols may be varied. • The symbol ra changes form in compounds. It always appears in a vertical arrangement and is read in the sequence top to bottom. When ra comes at the beginning of a compound it takes the form of a hook above the line (the same as above the dlrgha T): it is attached above the rightmost vertical of a compound. For example: ^ + T? y A rpa ^ + ^T + 3T^^t rdhva • This form is also used when ra is the only consonant before the vowels r and 1, i.e.: ^ + 5ff^^C r ^ + C£xct rl

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