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पृष्ठम्:Sanskrit Introductory.djvu/५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

Contents Preface iii Contents v Invocation ix Lesson 1 1 A.l. Vowel Measures B.l. The Concept of Dhatu A. 2. Sanskrit Pronunciation B.2. Introduction to Verbs A. 3. The Three Primary Vowels: a i u B.3. Exercises A.4. The Other Simple Vowels: r 1 B.4. Flash Cards A. 5. The Compound Vowels: e ai o au A. 6. Summary of All Vowels A. 7. The Sixteen Sakti: am ah A. 8. Practicing the Alphabet Lesson 2 13 A.l. The Five Mouth Positions B.l. More on Verbs A. 2. The Twenty-Five Stops: ka to ma B.2. Exercises A. 3. Pronunciation of the Stops A.4. DevanagarT Alphabet Lesson 3 21 A.l. The Four Semi- Vowels: ya ra la va B.l. More on Verbs A. 2. The Three Sibilants: sa sa sa B.2. Introduction to nouns A. 3. The Final Consonant: ha B.3. Exercises A. 4. Summary of the Consonants A. 5. The Alphabetical Order A. 6. DevanagarT Alphabet Lesson 4 31 A.l. DevanagarT Alphabet B.l. Summary of Verbs B.2. More on Noun Cases B.3. Exercises Lesson 5 37 A.l. DevanagarT Alphabet B.l. More on Noun Cases B.2. Exercises

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