एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Sparsa, 'contact': the general name for the pitches or tones (svara) of the vowel accent group of 25 stops ka through ma. [13, 73] system of Vedic Sanskrit. [71, 91] Sprsta, 'contact': the 'inner effort' for the Ral . technical term referri ng to any 25 sparsa ka through ma. [13, 73] consonant. [53] Svara, 'sound' or 'tone': (1) a general term for the vowels. [1] (2) a term for the tonal Halanta, 'consonant-final': ending in a accents (udatta an-udatta svarita) of Vedic consonant without a following vowel. [53] Hrasva, 'short': the short measure, or Svarita, mixed tone: one of the three vowels having this measure. [1]