VIO the Mandala 1 is being very closely followed by the Volume VII containing the Suktas 46-191 of the Mandala X and the Volume VIII incorporating the Mantra, the Pada, the Rsı, the Devata and the Chandas Indices, both being issued within the next few months Our said Mahatma Hans Raj Department has also been able, simultaneously, to undertake and complete during this period the Critical Editions of (1) Sayana's Commentary on the Atharvaveda of the Saunakas, (2) the four Rajatarangim (Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir) texts composed by Kalhana, Jonataja, Srivara and Suka and (3) the Versions I-VII of Canakya-Niti-Text- Tradition (Sakha sampradaya) The said Atharvaveda edition has already been issued in five volumes and the other two works mentioned are also following, part-wise, in quick succession according to their publication schedule to be completed during the current year Of these three text-editing projects, the Atharvaveda has been published in 5 parts being the Volumes XIII-XVII in our Vishesharanand Indological Research Sentes the Rgveda has partly been and is partly being published in 8 parts being the Volumes XIX-XXVI in the same Series and the Rajatarangint has partly been and is partly being published in 4 parts being the Volumes V-VIII in our Woolner Indological Series It is now my most pleasant duty to record here my great appreciation of the devoted co operation that I have always depended upon and fully received, in this work, from all my colleagues in the DA-V College and the Panjab University Sections of the Mahatma Hans Raj Mamuscript Research Department, the General Indological Department, the Publication Department and the Printing Department of our Institute, The title-page of this volume duly mentions the names of those of them who, with great ability and patience, rendered special assistance in the editing and publication of this volume I would fain add here, from among my other younger assistants, the name of Shri S Bhaskaran Nair. Some misprints which, our earnest efforts to avoid them notwithstanding, persisted to our great chagrin, have duly been set right in the Corrigenda. It might be recognised, of course, with a
पृष्ठम्:Rig Veda, Sanskrit, vol1.djvu/७