Critical Notice of the Manuscripts of the Bekhliganita. The edition of the Bekh&ganita was nndertaken for the Bombay Sanskrit Series by the late Mr. Haril&l Harahadar&i Dhmva R A., L L. R, D. L. A. ( Sweden), M. R A. S. (London and Bombay ), M. P. T. S., &;a, Ac, City Joint Judge and Ses- rions Judge, Baro^ He read a paper on the Bekhdganita at the Yin. International Congress of Orientalists, Stockholm and Christiania, which he attended as a Pandit Representative Delegate of His Highness, the MahSjrdjft Sly&ji B&o GAekw&d of Barodlb He intended to publish the work in three volumes, the first volume to contain the text, the second to contain the English notes, and the third to contain Varice Lectionea. The matter for the 1st Volume was sent to the Curator, Qovemment Central Book Depdt, Bombay, for publication and it was entrusted to the Nirnayas&gar Press. But the press returned it to the author, as the figures for Propositions were in most cases wanting. The manuscript thus returned remained with him till his death. It is a matter of great sorrow that the eminent scholar was not spared by Providence to finish the work he began very zealously. The manuscript, that was sent to the press and was returned for want of figures, was handed over to me by Mr. Dhruva's widow. I took it up and thought that the work would be soon ready as figures alone were wanting. To my great surprise, however, I found that it was a copy of a single manuscript The copy was made by a S'Astri of Amreli inKAthiiwftd. '^^ I ^nnch^ umi I s^ ^Ijin^ I ^mc l^^t is what is found at the end of the manuscript. On exa- mining it minutely I found that it was incorrect on almost every page of it It was now evident that I had not simply to supply figures, but to settle the text as
पृष्ठम्:Rekha Ganita.djvu/१८