सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:A Sanskrit primer (1901).djvu/१७८

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

162 Lesson XXXVIII | Participles Act.: स्तुवन्त . f. °वती. Mid.: स्तुवान. 412. The root a, .say', takes the union-vowel after the root when strengthened, before the initial consonant of an ending.* Thus: Iudicative. Active. Middle. 1. ब्रवीमि ब्रूवम् ब्रमस् | ब्रुवे ब्रूवहे ब्रूमहे 2. ब्रवीषि ब्रूथस बूथ व्रषेब्रुवाथे ब्र 3. ब्रवीति ब्रूतम् ब्रुवन्ति बूते ब्रूवाते ब्रवते Imperfect. Act.: अब्रवम्, अब्रवीस्, अब्रवीत् ; अब्रूव etc.; 3rd pl. अब्रुवन्. Mid.: अनुवि, अब्रूथास etc.; 3rd pl. अब्रुवत. | Imperative. Act.: ब्रवाणि, ब्रूहि, ब्रवीत; ब्रवाव etc.; 3rd pl. ब्रुवन्तु. Mid.: ब्रवै, ब्रुष्व etc. 0ptative. Act.: ब्रयाम् etc. Mid.: ब्रुवीय etc. Participle. Act.: ब्रुवन्त . Mid.: ब्रुवान. 413. Emphatic Pronoun. The uninflected pronominal word स्वयम् signifies self’, ‘own self'. It is oftenest used as a nomin- ative, along with words of all persons and numbers; but not seldom it represents other cases also. + Vocabulary XXXVIII. Verbs: + १ explain, teach; announce. इ (6ti) go. + fa explain, etc. + fy (adhīté) repeat, read. T (rāúti) cry, scream. +999 (apāiti) go away, depart. + fa scream. + अभि approach. |शी (¢ete) lie, sleep. + अस्तम् set(of heavenly bodies). + अधि lie asleep on (acc.). + उद् rise (of heavenly bodies). सू (site) bring forth, bear. + उप approach. | + y bring forth. a (bravīti, brūté) speak, say, state. (stäiti) praise.

  • Special irregularities in this verb are occasionally met with,

such as afa gaifa. Some of the verbs in 3 are allowed to be infected like , but forms so made are rare. + + IdISA Univ Calif - Digitized by Microsoft ®