सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

was fixed by Patañjali which, with a few additions made by the auth- ors of the Kāśika,as observed above, has traditionally come down to the present day. The Aṣṭādhyāyī is believed to be one of the six Ved- āṅga works which are committed to memory by the reciters of Ṛgveda. The text of the Aṣṭādhyāyī is recited without accents. The word अष्टाध्यायी was current in Patañjali's time; cf. शिष्टज्ञानार्था अष्टाध्यायी M. Bh. on VI. 3.109.

अष्टाक्षरा a metre having eight sylla- bles in a foot;cf.गायत्री सा चतुर्विंशत्यक्षरा । अष्टाक्षरास्त्रयः पादाः चत्वारो वा षडक्षराः R. Pr.XVI.9.

अष्टि name of a metre of four feet consisting of 64 syllables in all, 12 syllables in the odd feet and 20 in the even feet; e. g. त्रिकद्रुकेषु महिषः etc. R.V. II.22.1.

अस् (1) case affix of the nominative and accusative plural and the ab- lative and genitive singular (जस् , शस्, ङसि and ङस् ) (2) taddhita affix अस् ( असि ) added to पूर्व, अधर and अवर, by P.V.3.39: (3) compound- ending अस् ( असिच् ) applied to the words प्रजा and मेधा standing at the end of a Bahuvrīhi compound (P.V.4.122): (4) Uṇādi affix अस् prescribed by the rule सर्वधातुभ्योऽसुन् and subsequent rules (628-678) to form words such as मनस्,सरस् etc.(5) ending syllable अस्, with or with- out sense, of words in connection with which special operations are given in grammar; cf. P.VI.4.14; cf. also अनिनस्मन्ग्रहणान्यर्थवता चानर्थकेन च तदन्तविधिं प्रयोजयन्ति Par.Śek. Pari. 16.

अस affix अस mentioned in the Niru- kta in the word अवस ( अव् + अस ) cf. असो नामकरणः । तस्मान्नावगृह्णन्ति NirI.17.

असंख्य not possessing any notion of number; the word is used in con-

nection with avyayas or indeclina- bles; यथैव हि अलिङ्गमव्ययमेवमसंख्यमपि M. Bh. on II.4.82.

असंज्ञक a term used for the Cāndra Grammar,as no saṁjñas or techni- cal terms are used therein; cf.चान्द्रं चासंज्ञकं स्मृतम्.

असंज्ञा not used as a technical term or name of a thing; cf. पूर्वपरावरदक्षिणोत्त- रापराधराणि व्यवस्थायामसंज्ञायाम् P.1.1.34.

असंनिकर्ष (।) separatedness as in the case of two distinct words;(2) absence of co-alescence preven- ting the sandhi; cf R.T. 68,70.

असंनिधान the same as असंनिकर्ष; see above; e. g. भरा इन्द्र; तमु अभिप्रगायत.

असंप्रत्यय failure to understand the sense; cf. इतरथा ह्यसंप्रत्ययोऽकृत्रिमत्वाद्यथा लोके M. Bh. on I.1.23 Vārt. 3.

असंभव Impossibility of occurrence (used in connection with an operation); cf नावश्यं द्विकार्ययोग एव विप्रतिषेधः । किं तर्हि । असंभवेपि । M. Bh. I.1.12 Vārt. 3; (2) impossibi- lity of a statement, mention, act etc. cf. असंभवः खल्वपि अर्थादेशनस्य M. Bh. on II.1.1.

असंयोग absence of the conjunction of consonants; cf. असंयोगाल्लिट् कित् P.I.2.5.

असंहिता absence of juxta-position, absence of connectedness; cf. यदि तावत्संहितया निर्देशः क्रियते भ्वादय इति भवितव्यम् । अथासंहितया भू अादय इति भविंतव्यम् M. Bh. on I.3.1.

असत्त्व(l) absence of सत्त्व or entity; (2) other than a substance i. e. property, attribute, etc. cf. प्रादयः असत्त्ववचना निपातसंज्ञा भवन्ति M. Bh. I. 4.59; cf. also सोऽसत्त्वप्रकृतिर्गणः M. Bh. on IV.1.44. cf. also चादयोऽ सत्त्वे P.I.4.57.

असमर्थ (1) syntactically not con- nected, e. g. राज्ञः and पुरुषः in the sentence भार्या राज्ञः पुरुषो देवदत्तस्य (2)