
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

discussed by the authors of the Pratisakhyas as also by Panini. For details, see R. Pr. III. 1.19; T.Pr. 38-47 V. Pr. I. 108 to 132, II. I.65 A. Pr. Adhyaya 1 padas 1, 2, 3 and Rk. Tantra 51-66; see also Kaiyata on P. I. 2.29; (3) The word स्वर is used also in the sense of a musical tone. This meaning arose out of the second meaning ' accent ' which itself arose from the first viz. 'vowel', and it is fully discussed in works explanatory of the chanting of Samas. Patanjali has given Seven subdivisions of accents which may be at the origin of the seven musical notes. See सप्तस्वर above.

स्वरप्रतिरूपक a word or Pratipadika which is exactly similar to a single vowel such as उ or अा or ए and the like; such words are to be looked upon as Avyayas and the case-affixes after them are dropped when they are used. cf. स्वरप्रतिरूपकमव्ययम्.

स्वरभक्ति a vowel part; appearance of a consonant as a vowel; the character of a vowel borne by a consonant. Many times a semi- vowel which consists of one letter has to be divided especially for purposes of metre, as also for accentuation into two letters or rather, has to be turned into two letters by inserting a vowel before it or after it, for instance य् is to be turned into इय् e. g, in त्रियम्बकं यजामहे, while र् or रेफ is to be turned into र् ऋ as for instance in कर्हि चित् which is to be uttered as कर् ऋ हृि चित्. This prefixing or suffixing of a vowel is called स्वरभक्तिः cf. स्वरभक्तिः पूर्वभागक्षराङ्गं द्राघीयसी सार्धमात्रेतरे च । अधोनान्या ( R. Pr. I. 32.35; cf. also न संयोगं स्वरभाक्तिर्विहन्ति R. Pr. VI. 35; cf. also रेफात् खरोपहिताद् व्यञ्ज-

नोदयाद् ऋकारवर्णा स्वरभक्तिरुत्तराः R. Pr. VI. 46. In Panini's grammar, however, the word अञ्भक्ति, which means the same, is used for स्वरभक्ति; cf. ऋति ऋ वा लृति लृ वा इत्युभयत्रापि विधेयं वर्णद्वयं द्विमात्रम् । अाद्यस्य मध्ये द्वौ रेफौ तयोरेकां मात्रा । अभितेाज्भक्तेरपरा । S. K. on VI. 1.101.

स्वरभिन्न differing in the matter of accent; words so differing are Practically looked upon as one and the same; cf. स्वरभिन्नानां यस्योत्तरस्वरविधि- स्तस्येंकशेषो वक्यव्यः । अक्षश्च अक्षश्च अक्षौ । M. Bh on I. 2. 64 Vart. 24, For technical purposes, they are some- times looked upon as different; cf. स्वरभिन्नस्य च प्राप्नुवन् विधिरनित्यः । Par. Sek. Pari. 49.

स्वरभेद् difference in accents. See स्वराभिन्न above.

स्वरविधि a rule prescribing an accent or a modification of accent.

स्वरविराम a pause between two vowels in one and the same word as in तितउ or पउग or in two differ- ent words coming close by the visarga or य् between the two being elided, as for instance in देवा इह.

स्वरविवृत्ति ( 1 ) the same as स्वरविराम which see above; ( 2 ) a short trea- tise on Vedic accents written by a modern Vedic scholar and gramm- rian named Indradattopadhyaya.

स्वरसंधि euphonic combination of two vowels, a detailed description of which forms a small topic in the Prtisakhya and grammar works; wide R. Pr. chapters II. 1-26; T Pr. chapters 9 and 10 V. Pr. III and अच्सन्धिप्रकरणम् in the Siddhantakaumudi.

स्वरसर्वनाम a common accent; the accent which is supposed to be present in a word when none of the three accents are definite. cf. एकश्रुतिः स्वरसर्वनाम यथा नपुंसकं लिङ्गसर्वनाम